DJ Ubirajara is from the old school of Brazillian trance. He took part of the beginning of the Brazilian trance scene in the earlies 1995. In 1997 he started to play goa and psy trance in small parties and clubs.
In 1998 he created with some friends their own parties center: Trancelestial Tribe. They were pioneers in throwing psychedelic and dark trance parties, together with Daime Tribe. In 1999 Trancelestial Tribe went on a tour throughout Brazil, throwing parties and launching trance, which wasn't well-known in the country.
In the year of 2001, Ubirajara and Junior Linhares created Aldeia Tapai. They were already acknowledged in the national scene as one of the biggest in the world. They brought for the first time in Brazil the greatest trance artists in the world and did something absolutely new: for the first time they organized parties in the woods with more than 24 hours long. It's important to say that although those were outdoor parties, the crew and the organizers had an enviromental concern, including recycling the trash and donating that to a needy association.
In 2003, together with Waves of Sound, Ubirajara organized the first trance festival in Santa Catarina. And after all that psychedelic journey, Ubirajara wanted even more: in September of 2007 he had a 39 degree fever but he was preparing himself for his greatest challenge.
After taking some pieces of advice with his friend Shiva Jörg, he decided to throw the biggest dj set of history. He started to play on Thursday at 8pm and only stopped on Sunday at 10:10 pm. That was a 74 and 10 minute set. It happened on a beautiful ranch in Minas Gerais, where he built his own "oca" (an indian house) with only 2 chairs, a fan, 2 cdj's, a mixer, power, speakers, a backpack with personal stuff and a bucket full of water to throw on his head when he felt sleepy. He had been on a vegetarian diet for 22 years so he only ate fruits, seeds and grains. He used the woods around as his bathroom. By the end of his journey he had already lost some senses like memory and direction. His legs were swollen and purple. He got cramps in his fingers because of the mixing. He believes he managed to do that because of the support of his family and friends. Even though some of them were not there, they sent him some good vibes.
Ubirajara started playing psychedelic trance and goa and was the first to play south african full power in 2000. Nowadays he plays psy trance, dark, goa and everything that is serious.
INFLUENCIES: Cydonia, Tim Shudt, Ubar Tmar, Absolum, Shiva Jörg, Sandman, Joti Sidu, MFG, Shiva Shidapu, ECT, Dark Soho, Xenomorph, Tristan, Tortured Brain, The Nommus, Enertopia, Pig in Space, Xamanic Tribe On Acid, Zabra, Shift, Rabdom L, Twisted System and Phyx.
DJ da velha guarda de dj's de trance nacional, Ubirajara presenciou e participou do inÃcio da cena trance brasileira no começo do ano de 1995. Em meados de 1997, começou a tocar goa trance e psy trance, em pequenas festas e clubs. Em 1998, com um grupo de amigos cria seu próprio núcleo de festas: Trancelestial Tribe, pioneiros juntos com a Daime Tribe a fazer festas especializadas em psychedelic trance e dark.
Em 1999, a Trancelestial Tribe saiu em turnê pelo Brasil fazendo festas e divulgando o trance ainda pouco conhecido no paÃs. No ano de 2001, já com o reconhecimento da cena trance nacional como uma das maiores do mundo, Ubirajara e Junior Linhares criam a ALDEIA TAPAI, trazendo pela primeira vez ao Brasil os maiores artistas da cena trance mundial e inovando ao realizar pela primeira vez no paÃs festas com mais de 24 horas de duração no meio da natureza, mas sem deixar de cuidar de toda a parte ambiental, inclusive reciclando todo o lixo das festas e revertendo para entidades carentes.
Em 2003, junto com a Waves of Sound, organiza o primeiro festival de trance de Santa Catarina. E mesmo depois de toda essa jornada psicodélica Ubirajara queria mais. E, em de setembro de 2007, com 39 graus de febre, se prepara para o maior desafio de sua vida. Após se aconselhar com seu mestre e amigo Shiva Jörg, decide realizar o maior dj set da história.
Começou a tocar na quinta-feira à s 20:00 e só parou no domingo à s 22:10, totalizando 74 horas e 10 minutos de dj set sem parar. Com pouquÃssimos recursos Ubirajara realizou o feito em um belo sÃtio no estado de Minas Gerais/Brasil. Construiu sua própria oca utilizando técnicas indÃgenas. Dentro da oca só haviam 2 cadeiras, um ventilador, 2 cdj's, um mixer, potência, caixas de som, uma mochila com roupas, produtos de higiene e um balde com água para jogar na cabeça na hora do sono extremo.
Há 22 anos Ubirajara segue uma dieta vegetariana, por isso se alimentou somente de frutas, semetes, sucos e grãos. Utilizou o mato perto de sua oca como banheiro. No final da jornada, Ubirajara já tinha perdido alguns sentidos, como direção e memória, além de ter suas pernas inchadas e roxas, além de cãimbras nos dedos de tanto mixar. Ubirajara acredita que conseguiu realizar o feito graças ao apoio da sua famÃlia e de todos seus amigos presentes ou não presentes, que mesmo de longe mandavam suas energias.
DJ Ubirajara começou tocando psychedelic trance e goa trance e foi o pioneiro no paÃs a tocar full power sul-africano em meados do ano 2000. Atualmente segue a linha psy trance, dark, goa e tudo que seja inovador e sério.
INFLUÊNCIAS: Cydonia, Tim Shudt, Ubar Tmar, Absolum, Shiva Jörg, Joti Sidu, MFG, Sandman, Shiva Shidapu, ECT, Dark Soho, Xenomorph, Tristan, Tortured Brain, The Nommus, Enertopia, Pig in Space, Xamanic Tribe On Acid, Zabra, Shift, Rabdom L, Twisted System and Phyx...