In 2006, I understand that my cat is very known.
He's a big artist !
He leaves in the evening and comes back to the house in the morning.
Sometimes, he tells me what he's been doing: concerts with 300 fans who listen to him.
Unfortunately, the humans don't understand this "feline" language .
At the beginning of 2007, I decide to translate his songs in a language we can understand.
The first self-made 4 titles "Meowww ep" is released in April 2008 on the netlabel "Paperheart Music".
This label is ran by a guy who loves dogs, but I don't care: he doesn't understand the words that my cat wrote anyway...
In September of the same year, I give my first concert with musicians found on a "nerds/gay meeting" website.
An old alcoholic man who sat at the bar during the gig told me he liked the concert.
That gives me the courage to going further: to prepare a first "true" full length album.
My cat composes and I "translate" into English. 11 titles are born in May 2009: "Cat Astrophe".
In the next few months, my cat will be touring all Belgium, and me...
I will be playing in my living room.
Cats and humans don't share the same visions.... but I know that my cat is really "green"!
So am I ?mail :
[email protected]