la fille de gitan profile picture

la fille de gitan

water born, mountain fed...

About Me

i'm the same old girl i always was - just a little older and a lot more fearless. i finally live my life like it's completely mine to live and i support people to pursue their own happiness in the most genuine way they know how. i carry a little note book in my back pocket of things i want to do as i live and it gets longer with every day. i'm a language-loving, rock-climbing, globe-trotting, coffee-addicted, crossword-solving idealist who's a little socialist and a big fan of Canada. i have big dreams and like hearing my friends laugh. i have a need to travel and see the world - i still want to shark dive in south africa, to see the gorillas of rwanda, the elehants in chad, and kayak with the polar bears in sweden. i love my mountain and the amazing beauty of the pacific northwest and as much as i enjoy leaving, i always love coming back home... i appreciate honesty and simplicity, and sometimes i like not wearing a bra. to quote the great Rachel - turns out, i'm fabulous! This profile was made at

My Interests

...rock-climbing...sailing...snowboarding...reading...playin g hocolate...history...sudoku...shark week...Europe, with friends...Riesling (and Moseling, if possible...canasta...politics...languages...crosswords...

I'd like to meet:

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...Nickleback...Everclear...Jack Johnson...Modest Mouse...10 Minutes Down...DMB...Death Cab for Cutie...Matthew Good Band...Great Big Sea...John Legend...Dirty Pretty Things...P!nk...Gavin Degraw...Regina Spektor...and i'm alway up for a good local band...


...Stranger than Fiction...My Big Fat Greek Wedding...Amelie...Good-Bye Lenin...Crash...Hotel Rwanda...The Family Man...Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind...The Constant Gardener...Garden State...Melinda and Melinda...Bridget Jones' Diary...Gorillas in the Mist...and i'm a whore for anything with Steve Carrell...


...we don't have cable, but i love love LOVE "six feet under" and "scrubs" and of course, "the daily show"...


...current reading: "Nicolas and Alexandra" by Robert Massie..."Hegemony or Survival" by Noam Chomsky


...Colin Jones and Damien Martin - the two most amazing, supportive, honest Canadian boys a girl could ask to be friends with - thank you for teaching me what it really means to be a friend at a time when i truly needed one (or two) and how to throw back alcohol like no one's business...

My Blog


...and i've decided to start climbing again...
Posted by la fille de gitan on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 11:06:00 PST

.."a" is for attitude - so choose it...

today, i choose to be happy.  i will probably choose it tomorrow as well.  in this incredibly emotionally difficult time, i am going to make the choice to be happy with that which i have, or...
Posted by la fille de gitan on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 10:59:00 PST

..was it the foreground or the backdrop??...

...either way, sam's (very adorable) photo of his family in front of the castle at disney world, while sweet, does not have any pull for me.  it seems that at 25, the proverbial biological clock ...
Posted by la fille de gitan on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:21:00 PST

big news a deux...

i started bar training today.and i registered for classes in the fall other less recent (but equally happy) news - papa purchased the tix for las vegas - so we're officially going.  and ...
Posted by la fille de gitan on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 11:21:00 PST

...somthings are too big to wrap your head around...

Goodbye Gary...
Posted by la fille de gitan on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 01:37:00 PST

like oil dancing on a hot skillet...too hot to be still...

i'm restless lately. that feeling never bodes well for me.  or for those i love...
Posted by la fille de gitan on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 06:54:00 PST

...let the dysfunction commence...

t-minus 7 days until "six feet under" premiers on bravo.  i can hardly hardly wait.
Posted by la fille de gitan on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 06:27:00 PST

if you close your eyes, and feel the wind in your hair, it feels like sailing without water...'s so late, and i can't sleep.  micki is finally sleeping, which she hasn't done for a couple nights, and i am afraid that if i climb back in bed it will wake her up and she won't get some m...
Posted by la fille de gitan on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 12:51:00 PST

perhaps peacing out things from the past is how we get rid of baggage...

i love lazy weekends that let you get ready for your week ahead.  tomorrow i work, which is pointless really, since all my vendors and installers are going to be closed.  translation: no con...
Posted by la fille de gitan on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 09:55:00 PST

what gets you over an emotional hangover...?

i got up early this morning and decided to check my email - and it never fails to amaze me how just when i need affirmation, it comes. i got a message from colin to let me know how he is and just to s...
Posted by la fille de gitan on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 07:18:00 PST