...rock-climbing...sailing...snowboarding...reading...playin g outside...photography...sunshine...kisses...scrapbooking...c hocolate...history...sudoku...shark week...Europe, always...coffee with friends...Riesling (and Moseling, if possible...canasta...politics...languages...crosswords...
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Free Countdown Clocks at WishAFriend.com .. Brian Regan
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...Nickleback...Everclear...Jack Johnson...Modest Mouse...10 Minutes Down...DMB...Death Cab for Cutie...Matthew Good Band...Great Big Sea...John Legend...Dirty Pretty Things...P!nk...Gavin Degraw...Regina Spektor...and i'm alway up for a good local band...
...Stranger than Fiction...My Big Fat Greek Wedding...Amelie...Good-Bye Lenin...Crash...Hotel Rwanda...The Family Man...Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind...The Constant Gardener...Garden State...Melinda and Melinda...Bridget Jones' Diary...Gorillas in the Mist...and i'm a whore for anything with Steve Carrell...
...we don't have cable, but i love love LOVE "six feet under" and "scrubs" and of course, "the daily show"...
...current reading: "Nicolas and Alexandra" by Robert Massie..."Hegemony or Survival" by Noam Chomsky
...Colin Jones and Damien Martin - the two most amazing, supportive, honest Canadian boys a girl could ask to be friends with - thank you for teaching me what it really means to be a friend at a time when i truly needed one (or two) and how to throw back alcohol like no one's business...