GRADUATING, having a positive future, traveling, working out, Relaxing, shopping, going out to eat, spending time with my friends, Cavs games, going to the Zoo or any interesting museum
Reggie Bush!
Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, Usher, John Legend, Sade, Dwelle, Lyfe Jennings, R Kelly, Beyonce, Jill Scott or anything
The Dark Knight, Coming to America, Dream Girls, Life, Norbit, I am legend, Why did I get Married, Blades of Glory
First 48 hours, ESPN is starting to grow on me now, Unwrapped, Good Eats, Family Matters, Martin, NBA!! Anything on TLC, True Life, The Jamie Foxx Show, Project Runway
I don't like to read unless I have to! I love any type of fashion magazine, or The Newspaper
My mom AKA "My other half"