FREE MALAKAI profile picture


L:evel O:f V:isious E:xtasy

About Me

The Virgo is often gentle and delicate, preferring to step back and analyze before moving ahead.A Virgo is a helpful friend to have indeed. They are excellent at giving advice, and they really know how to problem solve. You'll find that a Virgo will remind you to take good care of yourself, as health is a focal point for them. And when the meal is done, they'll be the first to jump up and start the dishes. Loving and dedicated to family, the Virgo is also first on the scene when care is needed. When someone reaches old age or is ill, the Virgo will be there doing all that is needed. The Virgo is not known for showing their feelings. They prefer to show through deed than by word.Virgos are excellent with their money. They generally keep a strict grasp on what they spend, and strive to put away as much money as they can. They plan well in advance for expenditures, and when it comes to shopping, they aren't apt to overspend. Every now and then the Virgo can be seen buying themselves something of beauty, though. They love the arts and enjoy decorating their homes with taste.It's important for the Virgo lover to feel needed by their mates. Outside of the bedroom is where the majority of foreplay is going to happen for this sign. Tactile, methodical and willing to take as long as is needed, they make excellent lovers. Even though the Virgo won't express many words of love, they will show their affections in the bedroom. Virgos prefer to have a few strong connections rather than many partners. Life partners are chosen based on how important and needed the Virgo feels they are in their lives. They are dedicated spouses that love to live on the wild side once and a while.

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

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i love music....without music i wouldn't be able to survive...thats why i became a d.j. its been a while since i got on my set, but i'll always love the insrtuments.... and yes turntables are intruments........(don't try and argue with me, I'll WIN!) Music can do so much for a person: make you happy, help you think, concetrate, study, even set the mood for a romantic night (thats my favorite time)


i really like, "what women want" with Mel Gibson...i wish i had those powers.........


i'm gonna make it in life. i'm here for a reason. i will leave my mark.


i would like to read but i just find it hard to read.... i could read magazines like mens health and honda tuning.......but thats about day.....i'll read a book....(maybe)


My MOM is the world to me....she raised my older sister and me and sent us to private school as a single mother and still found time to spend time with us.....mad love and daps to my mom.... I love her to death......

My Blog


when people ask me how i'm doing, i can never say ok! i feel as if something is always going on in my life. whether it be something i'm trying to overcome, school, trying to make it in this world, bec...
Posted by FREE MALAKAI on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 01:26:00 PST


Damn!......once again......fucked up!    i got arrested last night about 2A.M.  Horrible.........cop had a gun at me, made meget off my cell phone and drop it, then he cuffed me, and th...
Posted by FREE MALAKAI on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 07:17:00 PST

on and poppin'

DAmN! the races were dope nigga Dre. dun killed it.......with his 04 350Z......he beat a 35th anniversary with 300hp.......then a lil eg6 hatch pulled up,  jacked up his car, th...
Posted by FREE MALAKAI on Fri, 28 Oct 2005 02:48:00 PST

sorry to aLL

sorry to everyone that has left me a comment or wrote me a letter. i appreciate you taking time out to look at my page, but life has been hectic so i haven't been going on a lot. so if i don't get b...
Posted by FREE MALAKAI on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

sadness strike my family and i

well today aug family dog, Poki, past away. she had a major heartattack this morning at 7:30 AM. i'm not sure what to do. my mom was crying but i was speechless. i didn't know what to...
Posted by FREE MALAKAI on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


to my Lord Jesus Christ, i just want to thank you for all that you have given me...i understand that i am lucky in so many ways.....there are many people that do not have the luxury of having a co...
Posted by FREE MALAKAI on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i hate getting hurt......

DaMn!!!!! i thought i figured things out.....but apparently i didn't.....well......another episode of me getting hurt.....i don't understand.......well i guess life goes on......but i still sit here ...
Posted by FREE MALAKAI on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

to all women

please read my profile.....a girl i met made me realize what you go through..... and what men don't have to go try to find excuses to why its harder for them but in all actuality ther...
Posted by FREE MALAKAI on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


damn saturday, after one of the craziest halloweens ever......was as well crazy.... around and the team went to the street races.......won a few lost a few......but ne ways.....i dropped off...
Posted by FREE MALAKAI on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


yesterday......damn.....i went to the ontario street was dope...... except for the fact that the brush fire from the hills in rancho were blowing towards us and it was hard to breath.......
Posted by FREE MALAKAI on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST