Histoire de ma vie.
It's simple really. Firstly, you know my name, you know what music I like, what movies i'm into, what television programmes I enjoy, and what my favourite reading materials are.
I'll do anything for an easy life. In fact I go out of my way to make things easier for myself. It probably means i'm not living life to it's fullest extent, or experiencing everything i'm supposed too, but I don't really care. I don't see the point in removing myself from my comfort zone to find out the unexpected. I don't want to face things like failure when I know I tried. I'd rather fail knowing I didn't. It makes things much easier on myself. I don't want to experience rejection. I don't want to be spontaneous, or impulsive. I want things to be easy. That's the way I like. I play it real straight. Call me boring. It's not boring it's just simple.