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U2, Green Day, The Indigo Girls, Sarah McLaughlin, The Killers, The Rolling Stones, Simon & Garfunkel, Guns N Roses, Bon Jovi, KT Tunstall, Jonatha Brooke, Dave Matthews Band, LTAN!!!


Gone With The Wind, Giant, Blackballed The Bobby Dukes Story, any Harry Potter, Ocean's Eleven (w/Clooney and Pitt), Out Of Sight, any John Hughes movie, Swingers, Pirates!


Yes Please! Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Deadwood, The Office, ER, Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, The OC, South Park, The Daily Show, LOST, 24, Greys Anatomy, Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, The Wire


Gone With The Wind, Da Vincci Code, The Joesephine Bonaparte series, Harry Potter Series, Lord Of The Rings, Watership Down, Winnie The Pooh, Shutterbabe, To Kill A Mockingbird


All of my friends who are working mothers. Seriously - you guys rock.