Women come to develop interesting relationships with their menstrual cycles. As a teenager, I used to say that if I could get rid of the bleeding, I would. I felt that it was an inconvenience, served no purpose, and should be done away with. I don’t think I could really trace the hatred to anything other than the general verdict that people don't like blood.
Then I read one of those books that I couldn't seem to put down. I ran around telling every woman I knew about it and gave away a couple copies because I felt it was better to pass on than just keep to myself. The biggest issue that the book touched on for me explores the current system of feminine hygiene products and the alternatives out there. So this is part of my attempt to get the word out a little more.
ALTERNATIVES!! WHAT?? There are alternatives to tampons and pads? I had never really thought about what women did before Tampax and Always and O.b. and Kotex, etc. Have you?
I didn’t want to be embarrassed about bleeding anymore. I didn’t want to give my money to Johnson and Johnson or Proctor and Gamble anymore. I didn’t want to stick pieces of bleached fiber into myself so that I could forget about being a female. I didn’t want to line my underwear with highly absorbent materials and squish in my chair while sitting on them. I didn’t want to have to hide a tampon or a pad in my hand while going to the bathroom, and feel embarrassed about opening it. I didn’t want to worry about traveling and having to pack enough tampons or pads, just in case.
So I stopped all of it. I stopped spending money on a negative contribution of the environment and my health. I stopped being embarrassed about bleeding. I stopped having to worry about carrying around feminine (un)hygiene products in my purse.
Ive been using an alternative for the last 5 years and I couldn't be more excited. I ordered a "Cup" from a UK based company for around $35, though there are a handful of US based companies that sell the same product. I've recently done a ton of research on the history of feminine hygiene products and am inspired to learn more and share the wealth. Check the Blog for more information!