I would like to meet the person that is in charge of my life...and when I meet her, we need to have a little discussion. Life should be fun and interesting and I know that it is...sometimes it is just stressful. And I know that I am the one that supposedly makes it that way...me and my decision maker (my brain-I think?) Why is everything so crazy sometimes...why can't it all be easy? Well...read my blurb entitled "Life & Love" and maybe it will make sense...(I got it from an email that someone had printed and given me and I just wanted to make it available for anyone to read b/c it means alot to me and it really makes sense when u think about it!!)
How to make a BETHANY
5 parts Happiness
5 parts Crazyiness
5 parts Ego
1 part JTOJ (sometimes)
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add lovability to taste! But please DO NOT overindulge!
Personality cocktail
A wise man once said, "I drink, therefore I am!" An interesting comment indeed, but what does it mean? Well I think we may have found the answer. Every personality contains a lot of traits. From your name alone, some of your most dominant personality traits can be derived and put together to give you a fun little recipe for your own personality cocktail. Perhaps you and your friends can have a little Personality cocktail party and compare results! Just hope the concoctions you generate don't leave a bad taste in your mouth. Oh and remember, always drink in moderation - I don't want you getting tipsy on personalities now!
♥ FRieNDS are the GreaTeST part of LiFe! ♥
A friend is someone who likes you,
EVEN after they get to know you...
And you know you have the GreaTeST FRieNDS
in the world when the only time they make you cry
is when they are making you laugh too hard!
So always remember this...
You are only as STRoNG as the tables you dance on,
the drinks you mix, and the FRieNDS you roll with!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
~~Bethany's Friends List~~
Everyone has many people in their lives they call friends,
but it is the ones that you can call at 4am that really matter!
So always remember...
Brent "HRIC"
"My SuNSHiNe!"
Christi "Pinky"
"My FaVe HaiR STYLiST"
Holly "HBIC"
"My BFF"
Club Red
Banana Joe..'s
Check Up On All Of ~Bethany~'s Friends...
♥ ♥
Friendship is like peeing your pants...
everyone can see it, but only you can feel it.
So thanks to all my friends for being the pee in my pants!
♥ ♥