The Dreamspell or 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar is a modern application of the ancient Mayan knowledge of time. It
is based upon the Tzolkin, which is a matrix of 260 energies/frequencies measuring the galactic year. Each
energy/frequency is composed by one of the 13 tones of creation and one of the 20 sacred solar seals.
The solar year (Haab) is devided into 13 month of 28 days and one "Day out of time", which is the day between the finishing of the old and the beginning of the new year and is a day of celebration.
Using the Dreamspell empowers you to move from the linear concept of time, which has lead us to the believe that
time is money and has seperated us from the natural galactic time, towards the concept of time as frequency and the paradigm that time=art.
Why use The Dreamspell?
The Gregorian calender with it's 12 month of different length is unnatural, it has no relation to natural cycles, it is merely an organisational tool. The mechanical clock, a two dimensional plane divided into 12 equal parts of 30
degrees, isn't measuring time, but rather space. Using these artifial systems is seperating us from the rest of
nature and is utimately leading to it's destruction.
The Dreamspell is a calendar system based on natural cycles, it is a powerful tool to realign with the natural
galactic time and through that harmony heal the planet.
Introduction to the 20 solar seals:
The solar seals 1-5 are living in individual consciousness, by instinct, in the physical world.
1) Dragon (IMIX)
Connected to the throat chakra and Neptune.
Birthing, nurturing, protective, creative, receptive, energetic, dominating in a parental way, sensitive, private, dealing with a lot of feelings.
Challenged to become free from feelings of rejection by accepting yourself as who you are.
Time to start things.
2) Wind (IK)
Connected to the heart chakra and Uranus.
Communicator, informer, inspiration, integrator of polarities, co-creator of reality, agile, clever, multifaceted, idealist, romantic, spirited.
Challenged to loose fear of responsibility and decision making by facing your fears and confronting them.
Time to bring oneself into discipline.
3) Night (AKBAL)
Connected to the solar plexus chakra and Saturn.
Receiver, powerful, conservative, logic, organizational, deep, thoughtful, introspective, mysterious, intuitive, dreamy, enduring, able to manifest, issue of home.
Challenged to loosen mental rigidity and learn about sharing by building your foundations and trusting that the universe provides.
Time to open up for abundance.
4) Seed (KAN)
Connected to the root chakra and Jupiter.
Active, dynamic, sexual, influential, opens the power of growth, interested in leadership and performance, good networker, afraid of letting go, targets, brings into flower, awareness.
Challenged to be balanced and mature sexually by using your energy in an artistic/performance activity.
Time to let ones treasures flower.
5) Serpent (CHICCAN)
Connected to the crown chakra and the Asteroid Belt.
Strong willed, desirous, passionate, vital, charismatic, penetrating almost harsh energy, creates dramatic situations, remembers, feelings of separation, loneliness.
Challenged to experience transformation consciously by accepting change as part of a learning process.
Time to activate the life-force.
The solar seals 6-10 live in community consciousness, by reason, in the mental world.
6) World-Bridger (CIMI)
Connected to the throat chakra and Mars.
Harmonising, equalizing, security conscious, materialistic, sacrificing, helpful, humble, forgiving, surrender to spirit, multi-dimensional, desire to understand the things of this world.
Challenged to have faith and evolve past victim hood by making contributions to society.
Time to leave the old behind.
7) Hand (MANIK)
Connected to the heart chakra and Earth.
Peaceful, generous, artistic, inspiring, skilful, accomplishing, individualistic, nomadic, companionship, healing.
Challenged to balance needs of personal freedom and security in relationships by being comfortable with your individuality.
Time to accomplish oneself.
8) Star (LAMAT)
Connected to the solar plexus and Venus.
Energetic, busy, nervous, clever, likes to fight, elegant, hopeful, showing the way, contact with nature, tolerant, learn to love.
Challenged to overcome mental imbalance by avoiding extremes and learning to express feelings in a positive way.
Time to come to harmony.
9) Moon (MOON)
Connected to the root chakra and Mercury.
Very emotional, imaginative, psychic, aware, mutable, purifying, going with the flow, dominating through the projection of feelings, in the gateway between worlds.
Challenged to control the self and take responsibility for what one has started by being consistent, persistent and responsive.
Time to bring oneself into flow.
10) Dog (OC)
Connected to the crown chakra and Mercury.
Loyal, helpful, cooperative, consistent, mellow, guardian, companion, faithful, joiner, affectionate, strong leader, spiritual strengthener, balance of emotions, sexuality.
Challenged to heal father related and authority issues by accepting the role as leader when necessary.
Time to live the love.
The solar seals 11-15 live in global consciousness, by emotions, in the psychic world.
11) Monkey (CHUEN)
Connected to the throat chakra and Venus.
Artistic, clever, demonstrative, multiple interests, attention needing, communicative, playful, spontaneous, innocent, humorous, very curious.
Challenged to stay long enough with one thing to finish/master it by having different creative outlets and being socially active.
Time to be humorous.
12) Human (EB)
Connected to the heart chakra and Earth.
Relaxed, courteous, hard working, careful, sensitive, touchy, easily hurt, ambitious, influencing, acting from free will.
Challenged to avoid suppressing anger by learning to express feelings.
Time to master polarities.
13) Skywalker (BEN)
Connected to the solar plexus chakra and Mars.
Very expressive, popular, knowledgeable, fighter for principles/fighter nature, competent, crusader, time and space explorer, integrity.
Challenged to loosen opinionated attitudes by developing social skills and learning about human nature.
Time to realize new possibilities.
14) Wizard (IX)
Connected to the root chakra and the Asteroid Belt.
Power to perform miracles, danger of egotism, secretive, sensitive, intelligent, concerned with spirituality, enchanting, shaman, developer, struggling with emotions, needs to release unfulfilling relationships.
Challenged to manage complex human relationships by developing counselling skills.
Time to let the heart work.
15) Eagle (MEN)
Connected to the crown chakra and Jupiter.
Independent, ambitious, scientific, critical, exacting, learning through thought alone, visionary, telepathic, committed, reacts in controlling situations with escapism, has an overview and unique ideas.
Challenged to accept ones unusual relationship patterns by creating relationships that leave a lot of freedom.
Time to get hold of ones visions.
The solar seals 16-20 live in universal consciousness, by the universal heart, in the spiritual world.
16) Warrior (CIB)
Connected to the throat chakra and Saturn.
Serious, wise, realistic, pragmatic, trustworthy, graceful, status conscious, has high standards, can become hardened to life and dominated by others.
Challenged to self conscious and personal insecurities by learning to become comfortable with authority within yourself and others.
Time to merge intuition and mind.
17) Earth (CABAN)
Connected to the heart chakra and Uranus.
Mentally active, rationalizing, practical, liberal, progressive, controversial, grounding, synchronizing, evolving, navigator, galactic aligner, crystal healer, keeper of wisdom.
Challenged to overcome the need to hold on to plans by becoming to be more flexible and patient.
Time to attune with the earth.
18) Mirror (ETZNAB)
Connected to the solar plexus chakra and Neptune.
Well coordinated, reflection in endless order, social, but struggling in close relationships, compromising, faces the shadow, reflecting things as they are, meditative, discipliner, purifier.
Challenged to balance self interest vs. self sacrifice by becoming less critical and developing cooperation skills.
Time for realization and clarity.
19) Storm (CAUAC)
Connected to the root chakra and Pluto.
Presence of youthfulness, restless, intense, friendly, good learner and teacher, catalysing, healer, reuniting, liberator of the mind.
Challenged to become a teacher or healer by studying with an open mind, without getting attached to dogma.
Time to renew oneself.
20) Sun (AHAU)
Connected to the crown chakra and Pluto.
Loving, devoted, artistic, romantic, idealistic, uncompromising, socially awkward, stubborn, blissful, limitless, rejuvenating.
hallenged to handle disappointment due to unrealistic expectations by keeping life simple.
Time to activate the power of the sun.
Introduction to the 13 tones:
1) Magnetic (Hun)
Unity, starting point, possibility, intention, attracting, setting the purpose, indivisible being, receiving.
2) Lunar (Ca)
Duality, challenge, separation of the light from the dark, divine relationships, polarizing, stabilizing.
3) Electric (Ox)
Activation, movement, service, bonding, integration of ideas, creation of the four directions.
4) Self-existing (Can)
Measure, attaching definition to movement, creation of the elements, natural cycles, discern form.
5) Overtone (Ho)
Integration, merging of movement and measure, empowering, commanding, radiating.
6) Rhythmic (Uac)
Time/Space, creation of cosmic cycles, organizing, balancing, equalizing. flowing.
7) Resonant (Uc)
Resonance, place between spirit and body of creation, connecting with the inner self, channelling, inspiring, attuning.
8) Galactic (Vaxac)
Integrity, creative pulse transduces galactic grid, harmonising, modeling, essence of the idea.
9) Solar (Bolon)
Intention, creative pulse transduces from galactic to solar grid, plan for mastering creative self, mobilizing, realizing, pulsating.
10) Planetary (Lahun)
Manifestation, intention of creative pulse manifests on earth grid, completing thought, perfecting, producing.
11) Spectral (Hun Lahun)
Dissonance, liberation, integration of past cycles with present cycles, dissolving, releasing.
12) Crystal (Ca Lahun)
Complex stability, cooperation, connectedness, preparation for a new cycle, dedicating, universalizing.
13) Cosmic (Ox Lahun)
Ascension, transcendence, timelessness, return to the source to collect base energy for next intention, enduring, presence.