Gimmie hard liquior i'll fuc the chaser profile picture

Gimmie hard liquior i'll fuc the chaser

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About Me

""IMITATED BUT NEVER DUPLICATED................. "HATE ALL U WANT,BUT U CANT BREAK A GIRL THAT THINKS NOTHING OF U!!" "" Yo it ya gurl Wynter!!! i am cute lil femm agress from bk. I do my lil 1 - 2 thing in the dancing area. I am pretty much laid back and shy until u get to kno me. them i am a total ham i love to joke and cutt ass om my friends and stuff the best part of it all i can take a joke. I love music and pepole i love learning new thing about life over all. gurl and am not an AG i am cute and cuty with a twist of aggression(SPELL CHECK) If i was a boi i would be as cunty as eva so if i need to placed in one of your boxes call it cunty , call me a faggot cause i live Bi*h u will Gag !!! this shit needs to be u graded i am jus wanna meet ne ppl i got a wife ... I have alos learned to value family cause the one u love can be here today and gone tomm. I am soo in love with my 2 nephews to two cuteies evea made. good job sissys tats my sistaz.......l .........LOL AND TO ALL MY LIL AND BIG CUZINS I LOVE YALL to. The sun will cum out love wynter

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

I would love to sit down and have tea with Maya Anglou and Oprah 2 very profound women. I would love to meet my birth mother so that we could have an hert to heart and i could understand her. I would love to me myself i alway wonder what it would be like to me myself and Janet give me on


JANET , JANET AND MORE JANET! I live for neo-soul music and RnB, Soca and dance hall. Jazz. I am all across the board i love music with depth and and a message u kno


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:: HaVe YoU eVeR ::
spent the night at a girls house (not related) LOL ....... YEA she was ya sister and i did her
lied to your best friend never
had a crush on someone for over a year hell yea i'm shy
slapped someone yup
gotten in a fight hell yea and i tried to take her head off
had your heart broken yea Bitches aint shit i still believe in luv
broke someones heart Not that i kno of
been cheated on say it again hell yea
cheated on someone nah i am faithful
been in love i am right now
liked someone soo much it made you cry lol cry for what never been there
played spin the bottle yea
played truth or dare lol that was very exciting yup i did
kissed someone of the opposite sex yea
kissed someone of the same sex I do it every day such a lezbo
kissed someone in the rain nah i want to tho
liked someone who didnt like you back lol prolly but not that i no of
fallen for a friend lol yup she my gurl now em
had a boyfriend/girlfriend i love my chick .....i gotta gurl and u dont
had a hard time getting over someone yea i hate saying good bye
gone out with someone youve only known for 3 days what u must be nutz
been in a long distance relationship yea ran the phone bill up too
seen someone naked lol hell yea
kissed 2 people in the same day i did this too . bad gurl!!!
had sex with 2 different people in the same day
made out with JUST a friend yup she kissed me 1st
done something you regret i live life without regretz
been kissed yup
kissed your cousin Just nasty mayb i'm nasty on the cheek
danced with someone you liked hell ye grindin mad hard
been to a hotel party yup it was wack
wanted someone you knew you could NEVER have yea
played a game in a cemetary nope that is not a place for fun and games
watching a movie WHAT IZ THE QUESTION??
went shopping and spent more than $1000 YUP BALLIN
been out of the country NEVER
made a prank phone call HELL YEA THAT SHIT WAS HELLA FUNNY
gotten in a car accident no
stayed up all night all the tyme i love to party
gone to church yea
drove a car semi
played a sport yup
been to a major baseball game yup.boring
been to a major football game no
been to a major hockey game no i dont wanna watch honkey
been to a major basketball game yup a few
been to the beach hell ya
gone swimming in the ocean Hated it
been on tv, in a newspaper, or on the radio All three top that bitchez
cheated on a test nope i got beauti and brainz
got suspended from school yea
failed a test only a few
changed schools lol so many times
skipped school senior cut day i'm a nerd
been in a school play yup
performed at a pep rally i played the flut and the sax in the skool band
smoked weed yup i gave it up tho
gotten drunk i am tipsy right now
gotten arrested yup gotta court date soon
gotten caught drinking yea by my g momma
gotten caught smoking never
used your parents credit cards credit what blk parenst in the hood got that ??
lied to your parents yea
been intoxicated i am on my way there now save me
done drugs weed
thought about commiting suicide . but then i realized i can't get drunk dead .lol
ran away from home who has not
snuck out of the house nope
been to the hospital for you yea
stayed there overnight nope
cried in a public place yea the fuccin club
cried for no reason never
cried when someone died hell yea
cried in school yup
made yourself throw up nope
moved to a different house in the same town no
moved to a different house in the same state no
moved to a different state yup
taken public transportation Metrocard iz my friend
do you have a little brother kinda luv u dion
does he draw you cute pictures NAH HE MEAN
where do your grandparents live bROOKLYN U nosey as hell
what do you think of when you hear the word click UMMM NOTHING COMES TO MIND
are you a moron YA MAMMY IZ ONE ...........I win
do you like trampolines never been on one we dont have many in bed sty
have u ever accidentally sucked something up in the vacuum nope i don't do chores
did you see American Pie 2 nope
do you cut yourself hell no

My Blog

Everything gone be all rite

Yo baby I kno I been working a lot. U want time 2 spend but how long can we hang in thing thing us 2 share cause I am not home to hold u u some nites or to tired to talk about the she we used so some ...
Posted by Gimmie hard liquior i'll fuc the chaser on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 07:52:00 PST

Jus say so ( questions)

lil wayne was right whenn  he said love sometimes hurt when u do it right !!! niggas was right when they said  even lovers need a holiday . but ya gone and i feel sick cause i just w...
Posted by Gimmie hard liquior i'll fuc the chaser on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 04:41:00 PST

this my space shit

i had soooo much fun 2 day !!!!! I live to be a queen did i just say that ??? lol i had the best time with my homies to day. now that that is out my mind is racking  my space is nuts n...
Posted by Gimmie hard liquior i'll fuc the chaser on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 09:03:00 PST

Born in June

Thinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite andsoft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental....
Posted by Gimmie hard liquior i'll fuc the chaser on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 03:57:00 PST

love again??

The trust that relies upon your hands, my hearts in your arms. I took a last glance, a chance to leave. But no this must be.Cause girl I love you and you love me.Our precious times we spent together, ...
Posted by Gimmie hard liquior i'll fuc the chaser on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 08:35:00 PST