DRE profile picture



About Me

I'm a proud mother of a beautiful eight-year old girl, college student, waitress, loving girlfiend, dedicated daughter and sister of seven.

My Interests

Hanging out with my daughter, Spending time with my love "Andy", MUSIC, and politics.

I'd like to meet:

All the inspirational people that have made a difference in this world.


Anything that is not RAP!!!


I'm a big Lord of the Rings NERD!! I also like The Matrix Trilogy, Interview with a Vampire, Dogma, The Notebook, Legends of the Fall, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and anything else mushy, funny, or stars Brad Pitt or Orlando Bloom.


This is bad but, I like Maury and Jerry Springer. I also love Futurama, Charmed, The Family Guy, The Biggest Loser, and mostly old school sitcoms. I hate all the dumb overplayed reality shows these days.


I love the Anne of Green Gables collection (nerdy or what?)


My parents who taught me to always reach higher, My daughter "Alexis" for her love regardless of my downfalls, My boyfriend "Andy" for being my inspiration to be a better person, The Prophet Gordon B. Hinkley for his endless committment to the church and the church's followers, and of course the higher powers I hope to return to after life on Earth.