Neon Disposal profile picture

Neon Disposal

About Me

.. .. ..---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- | About Us: | ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- "Neon Disposal with Leo James" è un progetto musicale nato dall’unione del gruppo Neon Disposal ed il cantautore Leo James allo scopo comune di formare un amalgama perfetta fondendo il Rock Alternativo ed il Folk e comporre musica originale.
Il gruppo è nato nel gennaio 2008 dopo un fortuito incontro tra la band che stava cercando disperatamente un cantante con gusto, ed il cantante che stava disperatamente una band con gusto.
I Neon Disposal nascono nell’ottobre 2007 grazie all’idea della coppia chitarra-basso di Edward Lotto e Giovanni Silvestri, i quali dal 2003 avevano avuto esperienze con altre band a livello locale, sotto il nome di Ozu Jackets, in seguito a vari cambi di gruppi e di nome, riescono poi a inserirsi in un progetto comune, gli Z.T.L. agli inizi del 2007 nel quale i due incontrarono il batterista Daffo e il chitarrista solista Bellazzini.
Per disguidi manageriali dopo l’estate gli Z.T.L. si sciolsero, e i quattro ragazzi decisero di formare un nuovo gruppo, che però necessitava di un cantante che ne esaltasse il sound. Dopo mesi di prove ed audizioni di cantanti senza successo, la band stava per sciogliersi, quando incontrò Leo James.
Leo James, aveva provato più volte a fare una band dal 2004, ma i gruppi in cui partecipava non gli permettevano di esporre la sua creatività musicale al meglio. Successivamente grazie all’aiuto della Rockchild School di La Spezia e grazie al consiglio di Riccardo degli Scarlett, incontrò i Neon Disposal.
Gennaio 2008 alla prima prova assieme sia Leo James ed i Neon Disposal trovarono subito un affinità musicale che si instaurò profondamente nei successivi due mesi.
A primi di marzo con 12 pezzi originali del gruppo erano pronti per testare le loro abilità in un live acustico al wine bar Pazza Idea di Sarzana, visto l’esperienza positiva replicarono, grazie all’aggancio della manager e corista Silvia Pellegri, suonando in elettrico il 24/03/08 al Tago Mago (Massa) dove hanno potuto preparare la registrazione live che in seguito è stata utilizzata come demo per le date estive.
In seguito dopo qualche altra data locale, il 19/04/08 hanno partecipato alle finali di una competizione tra 15 gruppi a livello regionale per contendersi il diritto di partecipare al Popeye Festival di La Spezia, aggiudicandosi la prima posizione.-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- This is How Far we have been heard: ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------

My Interests


Member Since: 4/6/2008
Band Members:

Leo James: Lead Vocals / Acoustic Guitar

Edward Lotto: Ryhtm Guitar / Slide Guitar

Davide Bellazzini: Lead Guitar / Support Vocals

Giovanni Silvestri: Base Guitar

Davide Biselli "Daffo": Drums

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Recorded during the Destination Pop-eye contest:
Sleep Walking live in Djalma Ruggero
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- | About Us: | ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- "Neon Disposal with Leo James" is a musical project born from the union of the band Neon Disposal and the singer Leo James to the common objective of melting together in a perfect alloy Post-Rock and Alternative Folk in order to compose easy listening original music, however with some interesting new sonorities.

The group was born in January 2008 after the lucky encounter of a band who was desperately looking for a singer with some good taste, and a singer who was desperately looking for a band with good taste.

Neon Disposal formed in october 2007 thanks to an Idea of the guitar-bass duet of Edward Lotto and Giovanni Silvestri, whom from 2003 had built experience with different other local bands, starting from the Ozu Jackets, and following with lots of changes of name, group and genre, finally they achieve to insert themselves in a common musical project, the Z.T.L. at the beginning of 2007 there the two met the drummer "Daffo" and the lead guitarrist Bellazzini.

Due some managerial problems after summer Z.T.L. fell apart, and the four musicians decided to form a new band, however they needed a singer fitting with the new sound of the band. After months of trial and auditions of different singers without success, the band was almost goint to break, but suddenly met Leo James.

Leo James, had been trying for a wile making a band since 2004, but all the bands that he attended didn't let him expose his musical creativity at his best. With the help of Rockchild School in La Spezia, and Riccardo from Scarett he met Neon Disposal.

January 2008, since the first meeting both Leo James and Neon Disposal found instantly a good and vibrant musical affinity which built up progessively in the following two months.

At the beginning of March with 12 original songs the band was ready to test their ability in front of a public, the first ever was an acoustic live at the wine bar Pazza Idea in Sarzana, seen the positive experience they continued thanks to the hook of the manager and chorist Silvia Pellegri, playing in electric the 24/03/08 at Tago Mago (Massa) where they recorded the live recording which in was then used as a demo for all the followings gigs and all the summer dates.

Following, after some other local gig, the 19/04/08 they partecipated at the finals of a rock contest, 15 groups at regional level fought for the right to play at the Pop-eye Festival of La Spezia, they won, earning the first place.

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- In the lyrics of the song "Light it Up", Leo mentions a film "The Art of Dreaming", it actually should be Michael Gondray's "The Sience of Sleep", however Leo didn't know the actual english title, and he literaly translated it from the italian version "L'arte del sogno". However it was kept that way because it fits better, also it can be interpreted in a metaphorical way.

-The fans of the group should be called "Neon Disposers"

-Italians just don't seem to get the name of the band right, in the first gig (you can hear it at the end of the first recording of Sleep Walking) the bands name got confused due to a similar sound with "Non Mi Sposo" , which its the italian for "I'm not goig to marry!", it was pretty hilarious, however mispellings and misunderstandings continued.

- Leo James was called in the papers Leo Jeens, in an article of "La Nazione" talking about the 1th of August concert.

- In the Rock Fest of Canepari, Neon Disposal was called, Neon Disposion due to a phone misunderstanding.

- Davide Bellazzini, is now called "Helicopter" for indecorous use of his genitalia.
Record Label: Non Firmati
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Benvenuti nel blog dei Neon Disposal

Un caldo benvenuto a tutti....con questo post inauguro il blog della rock band Neon Disposal.
Posted by on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 09:15:00 GMT