film production, writing, music, astronomy, blogging, podcasting, democratization of media, free speech
These online social networks are pretty useless for those of us not on the dating market, but if through some small association with me you get laid, then I'm glad I could be here for you.
The Decemberists, TMBG, Liz Phair, Zappa, Elvis Costello, SomaFM, Negativland, Radiohead, Neutral Milk Hotel, Neil Cleary, Blammos, Gillian Welch
PT Anderson, Wong Kar Wai, Michel Gondry, Hal Hartley, Whit Stillman, Noah Baumbach, Sofia Coppola, Nicole Holofcener, Miranda July, Wes Anderson, Alan Rudolf, Robert Richardson, Roger Deakins, Cohen Bros., Hitchcock, Ford, Hawkes, Kubrick
Deadwood, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica (new), Aquateen Hungerforce, Sealab 2021, West Wing, Lost, Band of Brothers, The Office, Extras, Twin Peaks, Buffyverse, Farscape, Penn & Teller's Bullshit, Ali G
Neil Stephenson, Connie Willis, Michael Chabon, David Foster Wallace, Phillip K. Dick, Clarke, Asimov, Sagan
Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, Woody Allen, Hal Hartley, Saul Perlmutter, John Linnell, Joss Whedon, Neil Stephenson, Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Thomas Jefferson, Cory Doctorow, Robert Richardson ASC, David Foster Wallace, (hmm... all men so far...), Rosa Parks, Allison Anders, Sarah Silverman, Xeni Jardin