About me...
Allllright, cum guzzlers...
I'm a dick to everyone I meet. It's not a joke, it's not a ploy, it's not a tactic... It's straight fact. If I don't like you, then trust me, I'll tell ya. If I hate ur guts, then I'll tell u that too.
If you're a smart-ass, I'll be the first to shake ur hands. I like hanging out with people who have a smart mouth. It not only keeps me on my toes, but it's a good way to bond w/ people. Well, for me, anyway. That's why i don't try to bond w/ people who aren't like me.
I have 2 friends who I value over everything else...
Celia, who I've known since 2005, and have shared almost every aspect of my life with. She's on my top friends, currently infatuated with some wierd Dominican boy... (EDIT NOT......ANYMORE)
And Edith, whom I've known, and loved since the first day I've seen her. If there's a soul mate for everyone, then she's mine. I'd do anything for her, and would rather kill someone than have her out of my life. It's wierd, people claim they have a soul mate, and get married to them. But this motherfucker right here? Nah, we're the closest that a guy and a girl could ever be. It's like having a sister who's hot as hell... As wierd as that sounds, that's what it's like.
That's it. I'm bored. I'll change this up soon, I guess, and put something else here, but for now?
That's me.