I love dogs- have 3 of them (black pug, boston terrier & an eskifon). Repetitive humor. Other than that, I definitely have interest in anything that's inappropriate & that amuse me and only me. I am also into working out (can you tell me where the gym is?), hanging out with friends, meeting new people, love watching movies, anything related to the fall and Halloween, and of course, reading Star Magazine to keep up on the latest dirt in the tabloids.
My dad, Christopher Walken. and maybe Megan's mom if she's still in college.nightman
where do I start.
Anything that makes me pee a little..
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (best show EVER!) Curb Your Enthusiasm (when I can), The Office, Scrubs, Grey's, Pris, Lost.
Your mom goes to college. Let her read.
Chuck Norris. Mr T. My deadbeat dad. The usual.