I love running, music, video games, reading, and hanging out with friends.
You're a Romantic Kisser
For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance
You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea
The perfect kiss involves the perfect mood
It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet
What Kind of Kisser Are You?
You Should Learn Portuguese
Muito legal! For you, learning a language is all about the lifestyle that comes with it.
And Brazilian beaches, hotties, parties, and soccer matches are just your style.
What Language Should You Learn?P.S. i already speak the language shown above. muinto legal means very cool...and Do CARALLIO MEU means THAT'S BITCHIN!
Your Sexy Brazilian Name is:
Sylvio Cabral
What's Your Sexy Brazilian Name?
You Are Mountain Dew
Ultra hyper and full of energy, you're on a permanent sugar high.
Some people complain about your taste, but the do appreciate your power.
Your best soda match: Coke
Stay away from: Root Beer
What Kind of Soda Are You?
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What Combat Weaponry Are You?
Ak-47 Assault Rifle
A well seasoned fighter and capable in any situation. Extremely dependable you got your buddies back regardless of circumstance. You can take a beating and give it back just as easily. Though it may not be what you want, you stand out as a well rounded fighter.
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If You Were Born in 2893...
Your Name Would Be: Aita Kad
And You Would Be: A Space Pirate
If You Were Born in 2893
Lots of people
You Are a Punk Rocker!
When it comes to rock, you don't follow any rules
You know that rocking out is all about taking down the man
You've got an incredible stage presence and rock persona
You scare moms, make bad girls (or boys) swoon, and live life on the edge!
What Kind of Rocker Are You?Re-took this quiz. I felt a change in style...Rock HARD!!!http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/images/straighto
To link it (the actual code):I don't know how I got this....I just filled in a bunch of answers and ended up being gangsta...
Pretty much all variations and kinds of rock interest me: Oldies are cool, like Cream, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Lenard Skynard, AC/DC. Metal's pretty cool too, Slipknot, Dope, Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin.Blues Brothers 2000. Great blues jamMy idol, Paul Butterfield on harmonica
I pretty much love all the badass movies, like Sin City, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Carlito's Way, etc.
What Office Space character are you?
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Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"I can pass this guy."
What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?
Your Personality Is Like Marijuana
You're laid back and easy going, so much so that taking a shower is often too much trouble for you!
Nevertheless, you're quite popular, and many people enjoy your company. You're rarely turned down.
You're prone to giggle fits, paranoia, and forgetting where you are exactly.
What Drug Is Your Personality Like?24, Monk, Law and Order, Mythbusters, Jackass, Comedy Central stuff
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the Outsiders, To Kill a Mockingbird, Under a Wartorn Sky, Napalm and Silly Putty...
Ray Charles, BB King, Gary Chin (bass guru), Eric Clapton, Meatloaf, John Bonnhem, a lot of other musicians...
adopt your own virtual pet!
Your Kissing Purity Score: 80% Pure
You've hardly ever been kissed
But the kisses you've given are very missed
Kissing Purity Test
You Are 29% Feminine, 71% Masculine
You are in touch with your masculine side.
You are not overly sensitive and not easily moved.
Occasionally, though, something will get through and touch your heart!
Are You Masculine or Feminine?