The creative work of Ina Belous cannot be defined unequivocally and her canvases cannot be reduced to a common denominator. Many of her paintings are distinguished by bright, theatrical and spectacular effects; a rigid rhythm and developed ornamental features of the picture plane which appear to be influenced by the artist's previous fruitful work in the field of tapestry. Some of her paintings are influenced by children's drawings and are marked by the artist's desire to master the unique capability of children to perceive in a fresh, precise and laconic manner and to concentrate, not on the illusion but, on the essence of a phenomenon.
However, in her other works , particularly in her still-lifes, Ina Belous brilliantly demonstrates a mature professionalism. One of her most remarkable properties is a strong and determined gift for color; her highly aesthetic attitude towards colors and the unescapable attention to every brush stroke. Her use of the diversity of nuances and contrasts create an entire culture of color solutions. The emotional and semantic messages of the color have defined the distinguishing features of Ina Belous as a painter.
The humane characteristics of Ina Belous are revealed in the charming archness of the artist, her delicate sense of humor, her particular kind of irony, with its inherent creative, not destructive, features. In the process of her creative endeavour these features are embodied in a wealth of, at times, unexpected associations, metaphoric pictorial thinking, and most of all in a sharp grotesque which determines the very essence of her creative approach.
And the same features enabled the artist to overcome the stagnation of academic and other stereotypes, to find the inner, spiritual, unconstrained and free self-expression, to master the language of modern art and its inexhaustible potential, paradoxical, metamorphoses . In our highly technological age, which has sunk into oblivion the Utopian ideals of harmony between man and nature, Ina Belous persistently affirms its highest values. These ideals were always present in the artist's creative work but in the recent paintings "Dandelions", "Sunflowers", "Lilies of the Valley" and others they become the dominant ones! Free from any bias or declaration the paintings appeal to our feelings, touch the tender points of personal and public conscience . The pantheistic sensation of nature, its spirituality and eternal, invariable beauty constitute the ever present constant of the creative world outlook of Ina Belous .
The counterpoints of bright light and shade , joy and sadness, anxieties and hopes of our times form the basis of the creative work of Ina Belous. But its general tonality is bright, optimistic and cheerful. The humanistic nature of the artist's talent, her deep respect and love of everything living, her belief that life is filled with beauty and that the purpose of life is in living itself are in opposition to apocalyptic visions of postmodernism.Grigory Ostrovsky
Doctor of Arts criticism Professor of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Expositions de groupe :
1984 Union des Artistes soviétiques, Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine
1986 Union des Artistes soviétiques, Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine
1991 Galerie "Gordon 30", Tel-Aviv, Israël Musée d’art de Detroit, USA
1992 Galerie Perkins, Boston, USA
"Galerie Michelle Ende", 134 West 58th
1993 Galerie Nationale, Ottawa, Canada
Galerie Albert White, Toronto, Canada
«Gallery Hill», Hampstead, Londres, Angleterre
Société Américaine pour l’exposition du Technion, N.Y.
Université C.W. Post, Long Island, USA
«Anita Falber» Galerie, Wiessbaden, Allemagne
1994 Centre Communautaire Juif, Frankfort, Allemagne
Musée de l’université d’Heidelberg, Allemagne
1995 "Masques", expositions et vente aux enchères, Sotheby’s Tel-Aviv, Israël
Musée de l’université Camerino, Italie
1997 Galerie Lucien Krief, Baltimore, USA
2000 Andrew Weise Galerie, Beverly Hills, Californie
“Grand Formatâ€, Congress Hall, Jerusalem
Exposition au Théâtre de Jérusalem, Israël
2001 Andrew Weise Galerie, Beverly Hills, Californie
2002 Salon Comparaisons, Paris, France
Musée d’art de Memfice, USA
Salon d’Automne, Paris, France
Salon SNBA Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France
2003 Art Miami 2003, USA
Art New York, USA
Grand concours International 2003, Puget sur Argens, France
Salon 2003 Société des artistes Français, Paris, France
Tori Collection Gallery, New-York, USA
Salon d’Automne, Paris, France
Salon SNBA Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France
2004 "Sélection du Salon d’Automne de Paris", Chaumont, France
"Grand Prix International MCA/Cannes Azur 2004"
« Les petits formats », Château de Tourelles, France
Le Salon des Artistes Français, Paris, France
Le Salon d’Automne, France
Salon SNBA Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France
2005 Festival d’Art Naïf, Verneuil-sur-Avre
"Carrefour de la Figuration Critique", Paris, France
Le Salon des Artistes Français, Paris, France
Salon S.N.B.A, Carrousel du Louvre
2006 "Expressions Naïves", Notre-dame de Gravenchon, France
Festival d’Art Naïf, Verneuil Sur Avre, France
14ème Salon de Printemps, Courtry, France
68ème exposition de Mokwoohoe, le Sejong Centre d’art à Seoul, Corée
Le Salon des Artistes Français, Paris, France
Salon S.N.B.A, Carrousel du Louvre
2007 Festival d’art naïf Verneuil Sur Avre, France
3ème week-end des Arts du Palais des Arts et des congrès, Vannes, France
Le Salon des Artistes Français, Paris, France
salon S.N.B.A, Carrousel du Louvre
2008 Festival d’Art Naïf, Verneuil Sur Avre, France
Marc Tochilkin
Galerie personnelle
de Marc Tochilkin
Expositions personnelles:
1987 Union des Artistes soviétiques, Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine
1991 Galerie "Aked", Tel-Aviv, Israël
1992 Musée "Beit Emmanuel", Ramat-Gan, Israël
Galerie Habitante Calle, Uruguay 16, Panama city, Panama
Galerie « Gordon 30 », Tel-Aviv, Israë
Auditorium Mann, Tel-Aviv, Israël
1994 Galerie « Anita Falber », Wiesbaden, Allemagne
Centre éducatif Chrétien, Marzig, Allemagne
1995 Le centre d’art, Darmstadt, Allemagne
1996 Auditorium Mann, Tel-Aviv, Israël
1997 Galerie des Arts, Eilat, Israël
1999 Galerie "Dima", Paris, France
Auditorium Mann, Tel-Aviv, Israël
2001 G. O. Galerie des Arts, Haïfa, Israël
2003 Invitée d’honneur du Salon 2003 des Artistes Indépendants Normands, Rouen
Tori Collection galerie, Pennsylvanie, USA
2006 Galerie Leitner, Paris, France
2007 invitée d’honneur du 15e salon de Printemps, Coutrty, France
Prix et distinctions
2003 "Révélation 2003" et "Médaille Européenne d’or", Grand concours international Puget sur Argens, France
2004 Médaille d’Or, "Grand Prix International MCA/Cannes-Azur 2004", France
Prix Leguay-Lebrun de l’Académie des Beaux-arts, Paris, France
2006 Prix du Jury 14ème "Salon de Printemps", Courtry 2006
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