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About Me

Dobrodošli! - Welcome!

TKO smo?
Mi smo grupa za poticanje svjesnosti, jednostavno kazano, mi smo isti kao i ti, jedino što glasno govorimo o onome o čemu se šuti ili tiho govori, o zlostavljanju djece i nasilju nad djecom, o dječjoj pornografiji, o opasnostima koja prijete djeci dok su online, o opasnostima koja prijete djeci od zla pedofila bilo koje vrste i u bilo kojem obliku.
Å TO radimo?
Organiziramo glazbene koncerte, prvenstveno rock koncerte, kombiniramo izvedbu uživo s naglašenom porukom da bilo koje iskorištavanje djece NIJE prihvatljivo. Kroz medij glazbe uživo i na drugi način, približavamo se tisućama onih koji traže promjenu u svijetu u odnosu prema našoj djeci.
KAKO radimo?
Najprije trebamo prostor za izvedbu, ni prevelik ni premalen, tada pronalazimo sponzore za podmirenje svih troškova, nakon čega tražimo bendove koji će svirati pored naših obilježja, te prenijeti okupljenima riječi, osiguravajući im dobru noćnu zabavu. Ni u kojem slučaju ne zarađujemo od bilo kojih aktivnosti RPZD (RACA). Svi troškovi se podmiruju iz sponzorstva i sav prihod se dobrotvorno prosljeđuje onima kojima je potreban.
ZAÅ TO se bavimo ovim?
Ideja je izvorno stvorena u Njemačkoj, kada je grupa studenata bila frustrirana čitanjući užasne priče koje su objavljivane u medijima, nemoćni da nešto korisno poduzmu. Tako se nekoliko mladih i umnih ljudi dogovorilo i nakon malo sati spavanja i mnogo, mnogo sati rada organizirali su prvi koncert za poticanje svjesnosti. Bio je to ogroman uspjeh. Idući koncerti su se nizali. Ovaj projekt ide dalje, održavat će se koncerti širom Europe. U svim državama ćemo naći istomišljenike koji će stvoriti
"Rock Against Child Pornography"
…projekte i koncerte. Prenosit ćemo ideju da SVI MI možemo URADITI nešto kako bismo zaustavili zločine prema djeci. Uvijek moraš negdje započeti s nečim, a mi započinjemo ovim. Ako nekoliko mladih može poduzeti ovakav poduhvat, zamisli što i ti možeš.
Prije koncerta, pišemo različitim lokalnim dobrotvornim grupama i udrugama kako bismo našli onu koja će najviše moći doprinijeti djeci žrtvama nasilja, zlostavljanja! SVA sredstva pojedinog nastupa usmjeruju se toj grupi! Otvoreno prikazujemo uprihođeni i proslijeđeni iznos ovdje na myspaceu i našem homepageu. Znamo da to ne mogu biti milijuni, ali svaki novčić je pomoć! Ako pomognemo barem JEDNOM djetetu, ovaj posao će biti vrijedan! Kao što je navedeno, bilo koja aktivnost, direktno ili indirektno vezana uz RPZD, nije u svrhu zarade.
Trebamo i TVOJU pomoć također. Bit ćeš iznenađen koliko mnogo možeš učiniti. Dodavajući nas na Myspaceu i promovirajući našu stranicu svojim prijateljima, smještajući nas među top prijatelje, prosljeđujući naše objave (buletine), postavljajući naš baner na svoju stranicu, prenosiš svijest riječima! Također, želimo da dođeš na koncerte, pomogneš dijeliti letke ili pomogneš na bilo koji način kojeg TI sam odabereš i time pomogneš djeci današnjice i svoj budućoj djeci!
Prenesi misao!
WHO are we?!
We are an awareness campaign group, simply put, we are the same as you only we are shouting out to make heard the silent or silenced topic, of child pornography, the risk to children online and the risk to children from the evil of paedophiles and paedophilia in whatever context or form it may arise.
WHAT are we doing?
We are organising music concerts, primarily within the rock genre, to combine live performances with the strong message that any form of exploitation of children is NOT acceptable. Through the medium of music performed both live and otherwise we reach out to the thousands who want a voice to see reform for our children in the modern world.
HOW? do we do this?
We think that it is a real good possibility to achieve something with music. Together we are strong to open the people’s eyes and to point more attention on this issue, we organize charity concerts. We attract sponsorship to cover any costs incurred with banners and rental charges, then when that is settled we look for bands who will play beneath this banner, in turn spreading our words to the crowds that show up and enjoy a good night. We at no point, ever, profit from any activity founded by the RPZD (RACA). All costs incurred are settled via sponsorship, any monies of any total are always forwarded onto children’s charities.
WHY are we doing this?
The idea first originated in Germany. A group of young students with a lot of frustration from reading such horrific stories, being published in the media and yet found they were unable to do anything effective! So a few young and brilliant minds, spoke, planned, slept very little and after many, many hours of work, liaising, and pulling teeth they pulled off their first Concert to raise awareness. It has been a huge success and further concerts are now not only being planned but already scheduled! We are taking this project even further; we will eventually hold concerts European wide! We will find likeminded people in all the countries who will set up…
"Rock Against Child Pornography"
…projects and concerts. We will spread the idea, that we ALL can DO something to stop crimes against children. You have to start somewhere, and we started here. If a few young students can pull off such a feat, imagine what you could do.
CHARITY as we never profit.
Prior to our gigs/concert, we are writing to various, local charity groups to find the best one to support victims of child abuse! ANY proceeds from that particular event will go to that group! We openly display the amount we manage to raise and the distribution of it here on myspace and on our homepage. We know it won’t be millions, but every penny will help! If we manage to help just ONE child, all this work would have been worth it! As stated earlier, we at no time, ever profit from any activity both, directly or indirectly linked to the RPZD (RACA).
HELP that comes from you guys.
We need YOUR help too and you would be surprised how much YOU can do. Not only by adding us on Myspace and by promoting our page with your friends, place us within your top few friends, repost our bulletins, display our banner on your page or website, raise awareness by word of mouth. Also we would like you to come to our concerts, help us to distribute flyers or whatever YOU think, you are able to do for us, for the children of today and tomorrow!
Spread the word!

My Blog

Zahvaljujemo sljedeim bandovima...We would like to thank following bands...

Zahvaljujemo sljedeim bandovima i glazbenicima koji su se ponudili svirati na naaim koncertima...We would like to thank following bands and musicians who like to play on our concerts...~ Adastra - Za...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 16:32:00 GMT