I like Video Games, Anime, Sweets, Snickers, Sprite, THE THREE Rs (Randomness, Rock, and Robots), crude humor, inside jokes, Southern Comfort Whiskey, blah blah blah. Whatever, I'm weird, leave it at that!
I'm not a person to judge...thats mostly the reason why all my friends trust me and feel that I am so understanding. In any case, I don't give a rat's ass who I talk to. Race, gay/ lesbian, dorky, psychotic, lame, etc...IT DOESn't MATTER TO ME!! I give everybody a chance, so if ya wanna talk to me, IM me at [email protected] or [email protected]. However, I prefer to speak mono y mono, and I'm probably using an Instant Messenger once every full moon...but who cares!?
as for meeting girls...I'm a sucker for a girl who looks cute in a sweater! I repeat: A SUCKER FOR A GIRL WHO LOOKS CUTE IN A SWEATER! That's right, my taste is pretty different, as opposed to drooling over some broad whose showing more skin than humanly possible, and is dressed in tight "I-CAN'T-FUCKING-BREATH!" clothes (no offense to you females out there...). For me, being covered leaves more to the imagination, which I use more WAAAAAAAAAY TOO FUCKING MUCH. So it only be natural for me to prefer a covered girl, as opposed to the "LOOK-AT-MY-SKIN-PLEASE!" Also, a sweater is soft, and huggable, so it is superior! That is all...Okay, okay, there is more than just the sweater...IF YOU MUST KNOW! She'd also have to be able to sit/ lay/ get comfortable with me and watch anime, or play a video gamewith me...and not get bored! However, because 90% (or more) of women avoid my hobbies, I am left to search of the minority companion...and have yet to find one. IT'S THAT FUCKING RARE! Anyways, likes Anime and Video Games is a must. That, along with the sweater, would be PERFECT for me.
The Offspring, Aerosmith, Dragonforce, and JAM Project
If I likes it, I likes it!
I don't watch TV, anymore. I just watch...MY DVDs! They're mostly Anime...many, many Animes. And a couple Hentai to add some balance. THATS RIGHT, I FUCKING SAID IT! Go watch your PORN!
Manga and Visual Novels. Other than that, I hate reading. Which is kinda ironic, cuz I love to write, but hate to read...yeah...
Optimus Prime, Vash The Stampede, Sol Badguy, and Hollow Ichigo