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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey im John and i love heavy metal music and i'm a father,son,friend,bass player,worker. My family,friends,and music is everything to me.My two little boys Bryce&Cameron keep me busy on the weekends.My main hobby is music...HEAVY_METAL!I love it,breathe it,&live it! I'm here looking for new badass bands and maybe a freind or two.-Bass Zombie...If you wanna get to know me though you definently need more than my profile to do that!..Laterz!...

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'm pretty happy with the people i know but i like hanging out with others if there cool too. I have a few close friends and some acquintances.I'm never shy to making cool new friends.

Myspace Comments


My Blog

acceptance....does it still EXIST?!!!!!!!!

why? Why are so many cou[les and relationships lacking stubstance?,.....i don't get it...most times its all about looks,money,possesions,or social standings. I say acceppt people for who they are and ...
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 16:31:00 GMT

women want nothing

I can never undestand women! Ill tell you want women want!-they want nothing!nothing! Sometimes i think a woman cannot be pleased 100% in all aspects of her life no matter what!,especially with men. I...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 17:26:00 GMT