I'm open to meet some people and my baby, Boris... ...contactTable { width:300px !important; height:150px !important; padding:0px !important; background-image:url
I'm open to whateva my ears can feel and love to hear like R&B, hip-hop, 80's music, rock, alternative, pop and of course my heritage of reggae, soca and calypso. But all in all, I'd have to say that the back-in-the day music of the 60's is the pinnacle of our music now and it's one of the few music genres of all time that you can still identify your life and your emotional soul with. I can still play the Temptations and Marvin Gaye and feel the expressions of anger for the "PAPA WAS A ROLLING STONE", lost, forbidden love like "ME AND MRS. JONES" or the beautiful essence of love like that "ENDLESS LOVE". In some cases just the need for that "SEXUAL HEALING" from that one or two or three people. It wasn't only the men who felt that anger or love but the women like Aretha Franklin who shouted the need for "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" and for that woman who gave all of the women then and now faith and strength when she said "I WILL SURVIVE" to the man who walked out the door. Women have so much strength and that's probably why I love women who stand up and say how they feel and what they want from life, men and their future like my girls, Lil' Kim and Madonna (back in the 80's).
They stay true to themselves wherever and whenever.
We could be here for a minute if I listed every damn movie I liked so I'll just give you a synopsis...I've really become a fan of gory horror movies and action movies where it's a female actress playing the lead person kickin' ass such as the
The only problem I have is I wish they would show the actual act of cutting off the body part(s). I also enjoy movies with great actors such as Denzel Washington, Jack Nicholson, Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino to name a few. I've always been a fan of the movies of yesteryear when actors had to show not only great acting skills but an array of dance skills and a great range in singing. And of course having a daughter, I'm really into animated movies. Now to the movies I'm not really fond of such as "chick flicks" like "Must Love Dogs", Indie movies and especially Woody Allen, Charles Bronson or John Wayne movies. In fact, I can POSITIVELY say, I HATE JOHN WAYNE movies!!!!!..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help!
Ok, I LOVE TV!!!! But I have become more selective in my tv choices so I can focus more of my time on reading, playing or coloring with my daughter. But I must say I am an avid viewer of
And sometimes, if I can catch it, I'll watch "The Boondocks" on Saturdays...
I love any and all books written by Omar Tyree, Eric Jerome Dickey and Kimberla Lawson Roby...
My dad, before, now and forever!!!!