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In efforts to raise money and spread awareness on cancer, originally Breast Cancer specifically, 5 brave souls are skating 16,000 km across North America, through 5 provinces and 26 states, as a charity to support this cause.
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All bands and musicians on the friend's list of this profile are involved in contributing towards the Push For The Cure charity. (if you are a band and not interested in playing to benefit a cause, then you shouldn't be on this page!)Home / Future Events , Past Events / Push for the Cure 2006 - 2008 Push for the Cure 2006 - 2008

May 11, 2008 · Print This Article

Inspiration, Information, Innovation and Initiative

he central tenets of the Push for the Cure are to inspire people to take an initiative in environmental action, health awareness, and social responsibility; to initiate a beneficial change through eco-educational presentations and public events and to encourage innovative, proactive approaches to ecological and health challenges; and to provide information and education to enable people to facilitate a healthier and more ecologically sound lifestyle.

The Goals of the current project, Push 2008 , are to raise publicity and funds for breast cancer awareness, prevention, and early detection; and more importantly, to illustrate and highlight the connections between cancer and environmental factors. One of the first steps to prevention is to recognize the causes and to focus on solutions to these challenges.A Goal of Push 2008 is to facilitate a paradigm shift in the way that people perceive the connection between cancer prevention, environmental stewardship, and fitness.

One of the central concepts of the Push is to demonstrate a grass-roots self-propelled method of charitable giving, be it funds, time or resources. The Idea is to show that, when working together, everyday individuals and businesses can make a great difference in the world around them.

Our particular charity for recent projects has been breast cancer, because of what we care about most: the women in our lives. Our means of fund raising is long-distance long boarding, because that is what we are familiar with, and have the most fun doing. However, the focus of this project is the fact that the cause and the means of giving are not the most important elements of the charitable process. A goal of the Push is to showcase that hard-to-define spirit of innovation, generosity, and perseverance behind events such as this and others, and to serve as an example of how ordinary people can do extraordinary things. Ordinary people are ordinary only until they do something extraordinary, after all. The crux of the Push is to serve as the example and impetus to inspire people to recognize their potential to facilitate a lasting, beneficial change on their health, environment, community, and society; as well as inspire them to take the initiative to do something about it. Long boarding is simply our method of carrying out this philosophy, and sharing it with others.

If we were bakers we would've had a bake sale but we're long boarders, so we long boarded.Aaron

History of the Push

On May 1 st 2006 a team of four men set out on a 7000 Km journey coast-to-coast across Canada on long boards in support of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. This was the Push’s first project: Push for the Cure 2006. Push 2006 also had the underlying theme of Inspiration, Initiative, and Information. The primary goal was to raise awareness about breast cancer prevention and early detection, particularly among Youth and Males. Secondary goals were to promote self-propelled vehicles as a viable, clean, healthy transportation option and to promote fit lifestyle through exercise.

Over the next five months, Aaron Jackson, Rob Lewis, Benjamin Jordan, and Carlos Koppen made their way westward from Halifax, NS, through most of the major Canadian cities, to Vancouver, BC. In cities, towns, and communities along the way they held media and public events and attended rallies and conducted interviews, and of course, long boarded 40 to 140 km/day. Although the team had severely limited resources, they were able to continue through in-kind support and goodwill from local individuals and businesses. Media attention was abundant and helped to successfully accomplish the goal of raising the profile of the Push and the Cause on the local, regional, provincial and national levels. The Project was also very successful in its goal of raising the general awareness level among the Youth and Male demographics. The C.B.C.F was very pleased with the outcome of our event and is working with The Push on upcoming projects.

Push for the Cure 2006 was considered to be a great success by all involved and has even garnered a national award for charity/non-profit events and the participants were invited to serve as the Calgary Stampede Parade Mars halls (Yea-Haw!). The Push has also inspired several smaller third-party spin-off events such as the annual Hope-to-Vancouver Final Push, Board Auctions, concerts, Popsicle drives, and various community rides and events.

Evolution of the Push

The Push is dedicated to dynamic progress. As the organization grows, and presents future projects, our focus may shift to address issues, challenges, and causes that are timely in nature. It is the intention of The Push to highlight innovative solutions to these challenges.

This installment of the Push is meant to thrust the project to a new level, to proverbially ‘kick it up a notch’. In light of the evident connection between environmental degradation/pollution and Cancer, the Goal of Push 2008 is to integrate a strong ecologically sustainable message into the philosophy of the project.

Research is now saying that the majority of cancer (especially breast cancer) is caused by environmental factors, and therefore, in principle can be prevented. We feel that this information should be taken into account when first, as individuals, we make choices regarding product consumption and lifestyle; secondly, as a community or society, when considering more sustainable options; and finally as a nation and global presence, when contemplating legislation.

We feel that this project can serve to present this information in an engaging manner, and inspire initiative, especially among the Male and Youth demographics. Although we have a message that carries broad appeal to a wide variety of demographics, we have a message that is particularly appealing to youth due to a humorous and unorthodox presentation, and the fact that the team consists of primarily young men. The male oriented campaign is centered on a Challenge: To raise one dollar from every man, to support their Moms, Sisters, Wives, Daughters, and all the Women that are important to their lives, and help ensure that they never get the disease in the first place.

We don't do this because someone close to us has cancer, but because sooner or later they will.

The Project - Push 2008

In July 2008, the Push Team will set out from Calgary, Alberta on a 16000km (10000mi) awareness campaign around the North American Continent via self propelled means: long boards. For those that are unfamiliar with long boards, think of a skateboard, but longer, wider, more stable, and better suited to long distance travel. And long distance travel it will be; through the course of the year-long project the team will traverse Alberta, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada , Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, the Gulf coast, the Eastern Seaboard, Ontario, Quebec, and the Mari times. During the course of this journey, the intent is to conduct an awareness campaign regarding breast cancer prevention, awareness, and early detection. It is also the intent of the project to present this information within a solution-based framework of environmental stewardship and sustainable lifestyle choices. This Eco-Educational; program series will be presented at post-secondary institutions, businesses, and public and media events.

A central component of this project is to utilize and showcase a support bus that is fuelled completely by a converted Waste Vegetable Oil Fuel System. Waste vegetable oil, from deep fryers, will be donated at a local level, from local establishments (usually they have to pay to get it taken away), and is processed in an onboard system. The Bus will serve as a RoadBase: a place to sleep, prepare food, and be a focal point of events and presentations. Other key elements of the Push green initiative is to showcase a hybrid or fully electric chase vehicle, and of course, Self-Propelled Transport, again in our case: the longboard. It is our intention to showcase these three carbon-neutral transportation options as well as an assortment of alternative energy sources such as Solar, Wind, and Hydrogen. There will also be a focus on the connections of cancer to environmental degradation, as well as an integrated demonstration that will spotlight what we can do as Individuals, Communities, and Constituents to diminish environmental damage and to encourage fitness, cancer prevention and personal and ecological well-being.

The Eco-Educational Awareness Campaign is the foundation for success of this Project, but is by no means the end of education, publicity, and awareness raising opportunities. Factor in the potential for celebrity endorsed and attended events, location specific media events (eg: Rocky Mountains, San Francisco, Roswell, Death Valley, Pacific Coast Highway etc. ), corporate sponsorship/donations, performances, gatherings, a documentary, merchandising and other promotions, and press coverage throughout, and we are talking about an absolute behemoth of a highly marketable green health awareness campaign. The added bonus of an American Presidential Contest will give us a chance to propel our message onto the national and international stage.

Challenges and Lessons Learned

Monetarily, Push 2006 was a success, but didn't perform as well as we had originally hoped. We raised almost $80000 for the CBCF, and obviously, there are a lot more than 80000 men in Canada. However, the costs of Push 2006 were minimal, and we spent less than $10000 to support 4 men and an RV for almost half a year (including the price of the RV!). Much of the funding for the project came out of the participants; pockets, and from local sponsorships. This was expected by the organizers and all involvement in Push 2006 was on a strictly volunteer basis, and resulted in the participants taking on much of the workload themselves. Media contacting, event planning and production, documentation, web site maintenance, and publicity were all carried out in between travelling (skating) 8-14 hours a day. As a result, though media attention and publicity were abundant, we feel there is tremendous potential for improvement. So even though we did well considering what we had to work with, the next logical step is to expand our operations and acquire support staff to “work the phones” while the team is on the road.

For Push 2008 we are actively pursuing government and corporate grants and sponsorship, with the intent of utilizing the funds to acquire and train staff to support the team while they are on the road and to be able to pay wages to the organizers and team. Funding will also be used to secure the use of the alternative fuel support bus, event production and management, educational content development, and incidentals for the team. We feel that with the proper funding and resources at our disposal, The Push can exponentially improve its effectiveness to promote innovative sustainable strategy, to spark initiative, and to inspire people to make a difference.

Push 2006 serves as an excellent resource for Push 2008. There is a figurative Big Book of Next Time that the Push organizers draw on continuously. The intention is to use everything that was learned from experience and integrate the improvements into this project. With proper support, funding, and publicity we believe that Push 2008 can be a wildly successful project that will surpass its predecessor by leaps and bounds.

Our Request from the Community

Community involvement is the key for success of the Push. There are many ways that varied elements of the community can contribute and benefit. We would like to hold an event in any town along our route that wishes to take part. The event is a ride-in showcasing self-propelled and sustainable transportation. The Push invites community members to take part in a pre-planned “Ride-In” showcasing their examples of sustainable transport: longboards and skateboards, bicycles, rollerblades, wheeled skis, wheelchairs, scooters, and whatever other funky, original contraptions that promote active lifestyle and low environmental impact. We encourage participants to acquire local sponsorship, to benefit either our charities or one of the community’s choosing. In this way, people can truly be a part of The Push. This is an excellent opportunity to highlight the community’s initiative and innovation, while at the same time raising the ecological profile of the region.

The Ride-In would culminate in a community event such as a BBQ or musical performance, where the community can meet the team, see the various alternate energy systems that have been utilized, and where funds can be raised. The scope and scale of this event is entirely dependent on cooperation and contribution of local government, educational institutions, local business and law enforcement. Government has an excellent opportunity to ‘lead by example’ by participating in this event. Educational Institutions are key to marshalling the Youth to rally around this cause. Local businesses can contribute by sponsoring local individuals as participants of The Push, or by donating resources towards a community event (such as food, prizes and manpower). Law enforcement also has a prime opportunity to connect with citizens and can aid in the event in a safety role. And of course, every single community member can make this event a success simply by participating.

Written by Bam · Filed Under Future Events , Past Events
Tagged: Charity , cure , event , for , push , the

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  • "The Push The OrganizationEstablished in 2005 in response to the death of a friend, Push for the Cure is a Calgary-based, federally incorporated not-for-profit with pending charitable status. The organization works closely with the skateboard community around North America to create meaningful fundraising events with the ultimate goal of bringing an end to a disease that has affected, or will affect, every single member of the population.Above all, Push for the Cure is focussed on capturing the attention of the younger demographics in order to educate on the fact that the average age of individuals affected by breast cancer is becoming steadily younger. Awareness is everything.In 2006, the Push for the Cure successfully completed a 7000km journey across Canada, raising nearly $100,000 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. This event was deemed the single most publicized charitable event in Canada in the year 2006.For their efforts, the organization has received numerous honours, including being named 2007 Calgary Stampede Parade Marshals, an honour typically reserved for politicians and celebrities. In this role, the group assisted the Calgary Stampede in raising more than $500,000 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.Additionally, the team was awarded the Association of Fundraising Professional’s “2007 Heart & Soul Award” for excellence in philanthropy. This is a tremendous international honour.While breast cancer will always be a personal focus of the team, Push for the Cure is now helping other young individuals create events for causes that are important to them.In addition to Push 2008, the organization has teamed up with two young men from Michigan to create Push Michigan, an event that will take the riders approximately 600 miles across the state of Michigan in support of the American Diabetes Association - a cause very dear to them.The PeopleThe Board of Directors is made up of four young professionals with careers ranging from bank manager to massage therapist: Chair Rob Lewis, Vice-Chair Aaron Jackson, Director of Logistics Carlos Koppen, and Director of Communications and Documentation Benjamin Jordan.The team was brought together through a common love of the sport of longboarding, and a shear desire to do something for the people that matter most in their lives: there mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives, daughters and best friends. The people they live every day for.BY: Benjamin "

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