Kristin profile picture


There's proof I'm an angel!!

About Me

hhhmmm...... I'm from eastern PA, grew up in OH, and now live in CA. So I'm a sweet, innocent girl from the midwest =P ...... I love track and field - i was a high jumper for the track team at my university....I like to go out and party but I also like to stay at home, have a glass or two of wine with dinner and watch a movie - ok really fall asleep to it.

My Interests

traveling, track and field, rock climbing, boating, rollerblading, being in the sun, surfing, OSU Football


just about anything.... from classical to Maxwell.... Metallica...Tricky.....DMB... John Mayer... club music...just keep country music off my radio..


Thomas Crown Affair, Pretty Woman, Oceans 11, Ice Age, Cruel Intentions, The Ref, What Dreams May Come, The Usual Suspects, Clue, Euro Trip, Van Wilder, Shrek 2, The Girl Next Door.....


Las Vegas, The Shield, Entourage, Medium, CSI, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy


The Da Vinci Code, White Oleander, Fountain Head, Angels and Demons, Reminiscenes of a Stock Operator, The General's Daughter


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My Blog

fall, did i miss it?

yeah, so i was driving down highland this morning on my way to work....and the leaves were brown.  i swear they were green yesterday and now they are brown.  i miss the beautiful colors and ...
Posted by Kristin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Out of my way!!!

ok for all those people for whom it's been awhile since driving school, the right lanes are for SLOW people and the left lanes are the FAST lanes. So for those that don't know if you're slow or not - ...
Posted by Kristin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST