.LADY PAISLEY. profile picture


About Me

- Jennifer Cua is... livingARTfully. - PAISLEY. vocalist. poet. songwriter. designer. mover. shaker. thinker. doer. - Featured vocalist for TEMPO VALLEY (November 2005- present) - Debut album: Memoirs of the TEMPO (2007) with others in the oven. - Vocalist for DeShannon Higa's GROOVE IMPROV ARTISTS (February 2008- persent). - Paisley is currently writing music for the next album as well as collaborating with other artists for other albums. - dragonFRUITladyPAISLEY is making new things. - unlearning. learning. applying. relearning...******I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)

My Interests


Member Since: 4/4/2008
Band Website: tempovalley.com & virb.com/dragonfruitladypaisley
Band Members: ME and MY APPLE... (crunch!)TEMPO VALLEY: SLO,TEMPO VALLEY producer & mc SEPH1, lyrical acrobat KONA ASKARI, rhythm guitar & vocals MARK SAKAUE, bass MATT GAIL, bass JEFFREY JAMES, drums DAVID MERGENS, sax & keyboard DJ AZIA 3000, TEMPO VALLEY DJ & remixes TED aka KEMALITO DAGAIOS, drums, producer & everything elseG.I.A. (GROOVE IMPROV ARTISTS): DESHANNON HIGA (trumpet, laptop)/REGGIE PADILLA (keyboard, sax)/ROD ESTEBAN (drums)
Influences: ...slide guitar. bamboo knocking. bells ringing. people humping. a sweet sounding horn. a voice cool as ice. the clacking of a stick on a pot. birds chirping in the morning. the sound of a needle on a record. a humble soul... EVERYDAY SOUNDS. silence. and occasional trips to other galaxies.A BENEFIT 4 MY AUNTIE DOLORES "YING" WHO JUST HAD HER THRID STROKE & HER EBAY AUCTION LINK... PLEASE SUPPORT~ FREE ADVERTISING ON THE WEBSITE FOR BUSINESSES WHO WISH TO SUPPORT.

Sounds Like: MY LIFE & HOW I BREATHE IT: FLYING & FALLING...***A voice captures the essence of all our experiences; whether consciously or subconsciously because how we present ourselves through our sound reflects everything we have lived out; that means when we fly as well as when we fall...******TEMPO VALLEY FEATURING PAISLEY’S MEMOIRS OF THE TEMPO - IN STORES & ONLINE! • JELLY’S, 98-023 Hekaha St. Suite B1-9. Aiea - (808) 488-5345, Kaka’ako - 420 Coral St. • PROTOTYPE, Pearlridge Mall, Uptown – (808) 484-8973 • TOO GRUVZ, Puck’s Alley, 2600 S. King St. 201a, Honolulu – (808) 946-7773 • QUEEN’S CANDY SHOP, 831 Queen St. Honolulu • SECOND SKIN, 1050 Ala Moana Blvd C6 Honolulu, HI. Ward Warehouse – (808) 593-1056 • MARQET, 345 Royal Hawaiian Ave 303 Honolulu, HI. Waikiki - (808) 922-4776 • TWELVE TRIBES INTERNATIONAL, 66-250 Kamehameha Hwy Ste A, Haleiwa, HI. North Shore, Oahu – (808) 637-7634 • PARADISE FOUND, 66-443 Kamehameha Hwy, Haleiwa, HI. North Shore, Oahu (808) 637-4540 (in the back of Celestial Natural Foods) • GLOBAL CREATIONS, 66-079 Kamehameha Hwy Haleiwa, HI. North Shore, Oahu - (808) 637-1780 • BALI MOON, 66-145 Kamehameha Hwy 8, Haleiwa, HI. North Shore, Oahu - (808) 637-6666 • HIGHER GROUND, 101 N. Kamehameha Hwy, Wahiawa – (808) 622-0000 • KAI KU HALE, 66-145 Kam Hwy Haleiwa, HI. North Shore, Oahu – (808) 636-2244 • & OTHER FINE STORES IN LOS ANGELES: NOW AVAILABLE @ AMOEBA RECORDS IN HOLLYWOOD!!! ALSO AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE ON THESE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD SITES: • ITUNES • AMAZON • NAPSTER • EMUSIC • SOUNDCLICK & www.PromoteMySong.com for RINGTONES*** FOR BOOKING & INFORMATION ON TEMPO VALLEY: www.sonicbids.com/tempovalley (ELECTRONIC PRESS KIT) The Official Tempo Valley Site Tempo Valley on MySpace.Com The Official Tempo Valley BlogSpot The PromoSapiens Tempo Valley Music Group 1154 Fort Street Mall Ste 408 Honolulu, HI 96815Ozone's "I FLY BECAUSE..." by mi amigo Jorge Atramiz
Record Label: fort union records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


strange on the outsidesurprise on the insidespeckled white, oh so subtle,sometimes sweet or a brightpink fire that rattles your mindusually kind, most of the timevoluntarily blind to the darkness of m...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 03:17:00 GMT


PAISLEY BLOGSPOT IS NOW AVAILABLE on www.dragonfruitladypaisley.blogspot.comFor booking & information on PAISLEY,Please contact:[email protected]/drag onfruitladypaisleyww...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 03:34:00 GMT


breathing giving thanks cleansing hybernating recharching receiving blessings focusing centering taking care of self not giving away everything- saving some for later... ~tata.  
Posted by on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 14:23:00 GMT


focusing energy onmaking creative andwiser habits.meditating on being surrounded by light energy and love.dreaming of a beautiful life.making life simple and simply manifestingdreams into blissful rea...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 20:51:00 GMT


Thank you for visiting my new artist page. This playlist features tracks that have not been released... ENJOY. For bookings and inquiries please leave the necessary information. Aloha...Paisley. &nbs...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 06:38:00 GMT