Старшина Чёрный Ворон profile picture

Старшина Чёрный Ворон

About Me

--- VELES ---
I Am The Raven *** My fate to fly up liberty My liberty's my ways in sky Why call me back from Heaven? I am the raven bird of grief I am bird of grief the sorrowbringer Why call me back from Heaven? Black sorrowbringer misery I am misery the lament singer(...) *** In endless sky, above earth, above humanity, looking from there on earth.. on You all..
"Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils." - General John Stark
My heritage :
I am deeply proslavic, there is something more among Us, especially among Slavs from Eastern Europe than just unity of blood and genetics, it's the forgotten spiritual unity than must be recovered from oblivion of time. My mission in life is to fight with superstitons towards Slavic nations, I am also against any sensless intra-ethnic feuds that are taking their beginning in past. I am always keen to teach people about Slavic culture and heritage not only that of Pagan era and not only in |reality|. For centuries Russians, Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians (Kryvians) shared common territories and history, such way of exising helped in saving that amazing genetic unity, however Our goal now is to save unity that almost faded out - spiritual one.
"If we open a quarrel between the past and the present, we shall find we have lost the future." - W. Churchill
"Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them." - G.Santayana

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

*** My manifesto ***

I would especially like to met people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus (Kryvija), Lithuania and Latvia, generaly Baltic/Slavic lands. Above all I am interested in People that have vast horizons if concerning interests and way of thinking, there is no difference for me whether that person is woman or man, heathen or not. There is but one demand, person must be sincere and honest, moreover I dont lie and I despise any lies so be forewarned. I am acting with honour and demand the same. *** In modern world it is hard to trust other people I learnt this lesson too well. I am loner from nature and solitude is for me feeling as natural as love for ones or hate for others. Friendship may be beautiful, and in fact it is, but someday You may face rejection or ignorance and pain that may come with it, nevertheless it is worh everything. If You must be alone, be like wolf, free yet strong, count on Yourself above all, open heart and help only for those who deserve it. True friends that may stand with You as brothers are as rare and as precious as gems. *** Great people of the past both by deeds who truly made impression on me : (among vast number) Sviatoslav!,Ivan Sidorenko, Ljudmila Pavliczenko, Ernst Jünger, Yukio Mishima, Jozef Pilsudski, Aleksandr Nevskij, T.E Lawrence, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, Tashunka Uitko (Crazy Horse), Giacomo Casanova, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu and many, many artists and poets.. ***


My Blog

[Photos] Views of Prussia

Collection of photos taken by me in the course of last few years. All of them depicts Prussian natural landscapes during various seasons, times of day and weather. Enjoy!http://www.axifile.com?3105341
Posted by on Thu, 07 May 2009 00:06:00 GMT

Prussia (Prksa) : What Prussia Is?

Black - White - Red (Judoa - Balta - Raudona) ancient colours of Prussian flag. Those colurs are dating back to times of Kievan Rus' and Prussian regiments who fought under such banners for Kievan Pri...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Mar 2009 13:11:00 GMT

Black Metal kids...

There is one thing that amuses me most of many things connected with black metal, particulary ...black metal "kiddies". Imagine teenager in age of 15-18 (take Your pic) who pretends to be greatly fasc...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 11:49:00 GMT

Looking for Europe III : UK - The Tower of Babel

In recent years there has been massive and sustained immigration into the United Kingdom from all sections of the globe.[1][2] This has created an exceptionally ethnically diverse population and it is...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 02:44:00 GMT

Looking for Europe : British "Mixed-Race"

(From Wiki)In the 2001 census, people of mixed race made up 1.2% of the UK population with 677,117 people. The UK national statistics now estimate that as of 2005, almost 800,000 mixed race people res...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 00:28:00 GMT

Looking for Europe II : Immigration to EU

(From Wiki)Non European immigratns :Turks: 5 million, mostly in Germany, France, the Netherlands and AustriaNorth Africans (Arabs and Berbers): approximately 5 million, mostly in France, the Netherlan...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 00:41:00 GMT

[!!!] Is Our Slavic heathen culture is worse than Germanic/Scandinavian?

Among pagans aroudn Europe it is common to know perfectly Germanic heathen culture as it is most commercialised, sadly many Slavs also prefer to put first that culture and beliefs before their own. Is...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 07:57:00 GMT

Yet another demo of my new song.

Like always sorry for quality of recording, song is unmastered yet.It is callled "Zhar Ptica", from a Fire Bird of Slavic mythology. The basis for song was created several months ago, only recently I...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 00:28:00 GMT

...Twilight Sun...

Twilight SunWhen the Sun is dancingRolling over Hills of NooneButterflies are lazyMadness is what I discoverDistant sounds of strange ways'T means the sunny days are overSomeone knows of my nameUniver...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 08:51:00 GMT

My own ...Saudade

(...) What sets saudade apart is that it can be directed to anything that is personal and moving. It can also be felt for unrequited love in that the person misses somethinghe or she never really had,...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Aug 2008 10:34:00 GMT