just get to know me.
my heart goes to those who tolerate my sometimes illogical sensibility.
I Love These People :]
Dino Daniella: youre my widdle chocolate chunk!
brotha jenkins 2: Haha and your my asian princess
Dino Daniella: devon jenkins i love you man
fai3ulous86: where the fuck have you been? ive been in your asshoel for like a few hours now
lolnicoleshine: haha i'm a hooker
Dino Daniella: and im a paying customer!
cel raee: we made babies in the locker room.
cel raee: they have been born in our buddy info sections
Dino Daniella: YESSS!
Dino Daniella: I LOVE YOU
M3lissaIns0mniac: you need to get in my pants daniella nunez
surferchick11095: i want you in my vagg
surferchick11095: because youss a hotttie :]
whadd up hoe xo: now i just feel like a dick
whadd up hoe xo: hard and mean haha
whadd up hoe xo: thats why no one says they feel like a vagina, cause theyre soft and wet
whadd up hoe xo: yanno
Dino Daniella: HAHAHAAHHA!
miikemerders: you know whose hot bro?
Dino Daniella: i dont know
miikemerders: your fucken hot
miikemerder: as hot as anyone could ever be bro
Dino Daniella: awh stop youre makin me blush
Dino Daniella: i know an asian who thinks youre really great
inertiamatt: lol who?
Dino Daniella: i dont know, daniella something
inertiamatt: shes not asian
inertiamatt: only a little
inertiamatt: haha
Dino Daniella: its funnny how you try so hard to impress but you just arent up to par, tisk tisk.
EricUrls: listen you little asian just bc your cute doesnt mean you can talk to me like that
EricUrls: wait! i forgot it does :)
LOLnicoleshine: blehh
LOLnicoleshine: confession
LOLnicoleshine: i want your tits.
Dino Daniella: confession, theyre all yours :] :] :]
WhtWouldJonnyDo: you want me dont play
Dino Daniella: ROFL.
WhtWouldJonnyDo: you cant help it im dead sexy
Dino Daniella: im way out of your league, i mean have you seen me?
Dino Daniella: im way sexier than you, stop trying.
WhtWouldJonnyDo: your right
WhtWouldJonnyDo: that makes me sad :(
pinkfloydian 171: you dont get sick of me after 6 bites ;]
Dino Daniella: thats cause you taste so freaken good
pinkfloydian 171: hehehhehehehe
pinkfloydian 171: and i think the seasoning you sprinkle all over me helps too
pinkfloydian 171: you like me spicy ;]
Dino Daniella: i lovee it <3.
Dino Daniella: can i lick you ALL OVER?!
getcrazyxwithme: can i tickle your tits?
getcrazyxwithme: then let my fingers do wonders on your wee wee
getcrazyxwithme: if i can be honest with you....
getcrazyxwithme: im completely homo for you
Dino Daniella: goodnight my little tori truffle
getcrazyxwithme: my widdle daniellasaur
Dino Daniella: this is love, i say
Dino Daniella: pure love
getcrazyxwithme: true love.
B4LLiN bRiTtAnYy: maybe its pisssed off at me cause i called it a cum guzzzling whore.
Dino Daniella: hahahha
Dino Daniella: or maybe its pissed because you have huge tits?
B4LLiN bRiTtAnYy: maybe
Dino Daniella: i love youu
B4LLiN bRiTtAnYy: i love you too [:
Dino Daniella: you were blessed
rotmastakilla: aw thank you
rotmastakilla: blessed to be talking to such a beautiful girl such as yourself
AliceAmphetamine: Daniella!
AliceAmphetamine: I has free herb for you!
Dino Daniella: ah gimmmie gimmmie!