1st. Gary Support Germany feat. Austria profile picture

1st. Gary Support Germany feat. Austria

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

* Name: Gary
* Age: 28
* Height: 174
* Eyes: Blue
* Hometown: Helsinki/Lappajärvi
* Date of birth and star sign: 18.09.80 Virgo
* Sisters and brothers: 2 little brothers
* How do you spend your free time: Movies, jujutsu and exercising in general
* Vices: All kinds of small things
* Motto: Live a good life and show consideration for everybody
* Pets: 2 cats (Nyytti and Kesti)

Favorites* Food: Pasta with pesto sauce* Drink: Cafe latte
* Tv-show: Lost
* Movie: Saw, Saw 2, Flight 93, The Game
* Actor: Robert DeNiro
* Album: U2 / The Joshua Tree
* Song: With or without you
* Saying: Live everyday like it was your last one
* Colour: Blue

My Blog

Wir brauchen EURE Hilfe/Help wanted!

Am 28.04. ist es soweit - Negative rocken das erste Mal zusammen mit Gary in Berlin!Da wir leider nicht selbst dabei sein können brauchen wir nun eure Hilfe: wir brauchen so viele Gary-Fotos wie mögli...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 02:11:00 GMT