Konichiwa! Watashi ha Priscilla desu. I would say there is so much about me but there is not enough room on this page so here is the basic:
1 -Please don't judge me based on other peoples dipicions about me. Meet me, analyze me, understand me.
2 -I love attention. Give it to me like your giving someone life.
3 -I love hugs and kisses. I love being adored. I love being spoiled. I'm demanding but you'll love it.
4 - Don't start a fight with me. This is more than a warning. I'm saving you. I'm never wrong I love to fight and I can really hurt peoples feelings. There not mine, unless i say I love you, I can careless. I always win. Physically, mentally, emotionally.
5 -Im loud, nosy, dramatic, goofy, nuts, serious, confined, and emotionless. Sorry for not caring.