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Welcome to my page ♥ My name's Ashanti. ...that's about all I think you need to know :) Enjoy my page!!!

imikimi - Customize Your World!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Grandfather again!!! I know your up there wathin over me Grandfather Ol' Pal ♥ I Love You!!!

t r u e or f a l s e (:
true or false ?
you're a girl: true
you're in high school: true
you own a dog: flase
you're an only child: flase
you've eaten out with a bunch of friends: true
you're single: false
you're bored: false
you have an AIM sn: false
your last cellphone bill was over the top: false
you get mad easily: false
you find yourself with a lot of energy at the randomest of times: false
you currently like someone: true
you regret something that you've done: true
others have called you pretty or cute: true
you like to watch tv: true
you like playing with your hair: true
your hair is brown: true
you have a secret that no one knows: true
you've kissed someone you shouldn't have: true
you've had a bf/gf before: true
you've been dumped before: true
you shop or have shoped at victoria's secret: true
in the past month you have watched a movie: true
in the past month you have cut your hair: true by accident
in the past month you have gone swimming: lifegueard baby ?
in the past month you have gone to a party: true
you have crashed a party before: true
you have gone to a party thrown by someone you don't even know: true
you are huggable: true
you like to play video games: TRUE
you like/LOVE to shop: TRUE TRUE TRUE
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My Blog


imikimi - Customize Your World!
Posted by on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 06:16:00 GMT

Tired of dis bull shit!!!

I'm so tired of dis bull shit all da damn time.  Y da fuck is it dat every time i get into a damn argument wit someone else, my mom has to act like she was involved wit it some how.  Sh...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 00:31:00 GMT

Me!!!" method="post">What makes you attractive? by EuruditeName:Gender:MaleFemaleNot sure...Age:Your Eyes:55%Your Smile:57%Your Body:62%Your Wit:44%Your Charm:2%Your Perso...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 10:42:00 GMT

I'm LIGHT SKINNED, so I MUST be stuck up.

pick the stereotype that fits you the most.Post this with that as the these stereotypesI'm SKINNY, so I MUST be anorexic.I'm EMO, so I MUST cut my wrists.I'm BLACK, so I MUST carry a gu...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 19:01:00 GMT