A New Dove Film : Onslaught - video powered by Metacafe..
All Hail: Tokyo Teas, Guinness beer, dancing, road trips, bluebeat lounge, Del Taco, hair dye, mod podge, sharpies, photocopiers, and acrylics, Broccolli, alizerian crimson, Metob, Judy,Maurice, iPoddle, Agatha the iPod, iPhone, lime green metal cups, days of our lives, diet coke, sunday afternoons at Target, bitch fests and slurpies, crusin' foothill or baseline, staying in bed all day long with chris, bottecelli, los angeles county museum of art, norton simon, oroville clarke, swimming, records, pommade, bobby pins, M.A.C., hot pink mascara, black liquid eyeliner, blankie, the aussie pub, pasadena, In-N-Out, captain and cokes, Stoli vodka club soda with lime, Joe's, The Banshee, tattoos & Piercings, bubble flips, fire engine red lipstick, converse, sleeping on the sand, singing, just being me.....