Da One and Only Love I Have
Valentines Myspace Graphics
Custom Friends Space Generator
Da Most Awesome Girlz I've Ever Met
MhAi ChiLdHoOd FriEnDz FrOm PhiLiPpiNeS
drawing, dancing, chillin with friends(old n new), playing video games, eating, watching movies and checkin my myspace
i listen to everything. wat i lyk da most r da dance musics. also wen i'm feelin emo then i lyk my love songs(rap and slow songs).
i lyk everything except the corny ones. wats corny to me r those movies dat r old or tryin hard comedy shyt.
i dont reli lyk watchin tv. if ever im in front of da tv i watch cartoons dats it. i watch disney channel and my all tym favorite anime. i love fushigi yuugi or curious/mysterious play in english and yucie
i don't lyk to read books. i read books wen i have to read it.