Shel_1952 profile picture



About Me

I am married. I work at a telemarketing company in Erie PA. I have four grown children and six grandchildren. I am a writer and a poet. I live in a beautiful rural area of Pennsylvania. They say it is good to grow old gracefully but I haven't found that grace yet. We live on a small farm and raise sheep and goats...

My Interests

I enjoy collecting poetry books and love to read poetry books, especially old ones. I also collect miniatures, love antique dishes and blue glass. I enjoy crocheting and quilting. I am interested in personal development materials that help one be positive in their outlook.

I'd like to meet:



I love Christian music, and enjoy perusing old hymnals. I like the old fashioned songs most. I also enjoy soul, and blues music. I like a singer named Ricky Fante. His first album is titled Rewind. I love old records by Jack Holcomb, a Christian singer. I enjoy classical music also. I enjoy listening to Neil Young, Eric Clapton, the Moody Blues, The Greatful Dead, Van Morrison. I am just a lover of many types of music. Music ministers to me. With music my commute to work is enjoyable. Music comforts me when I am sad, lifts me up when I am down and it may sound weird but it also helps me to let the tears out if I need to cry. I often fall asleep with a cd of relaxing music playing.


The Notebook, Thunderheart, Bell, Book and Candle, Love Actually, Under The Tuscan Sun...........more to come I am sure.


I don't watch much TV. I enjoy news shows such as Dateline NBC, etc.


The Bible, Poetry Books, The Chicken Soup For The Soul series.


God..because he creates the beauty in this world and gave His Son whose spirit can live inside those who believe. He gives us hope in the darkest moments.....and we are never alone.My parents.Uncle Bill and Aunt Phylis.certain relatives...such as Norm and Florence: m

My Blog


Well, what do you know? Am I really going to write about something not connected to emotions and feelings? lol.  For a change, I am going to write about a new goal.  This is the first day fo...
Posted by Shel_1952 on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 12:11:00 PST

Kim’s Horse Buddy

My daughter Kim lost her horse Buddy in March. Here is what she wrote about him.  It is my belief that when we share what hurts us it helps us to heal.  Shel_1952    &nbs...
Posted by Shel_1952 on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 01:01:00 PST

A poem for Mom

I wrote this to Mom for her 75th birthday, April 25th, 2005.  She passed away December 19th, 2005.  Whenever I had a sad day she was the first one I would call. She always knew just what to...
Posted by Shel_1952 on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 08:05:00 PST


My daughter Kim wrote this poem awhile back about Buddy.......He died today, March 13th, 2007. He was 24. Kim had him for 15 years. Buddy was an Arabian. His personality was obvious. He loved Kim...
Posted by Shel_1952 on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 06:53:00 PST


  Dreams Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. --Langston ...
Posted by Shel_1952 on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:22:00 PST

saying goodbye to my childhood home.......

Is it Really Empty?The old house is empty.Or so it would seem to be.There are no furnishings or people,the way it used to be.But is it really emptyas I stand outside the door?"I think not my dar...
Posted by Shel_1952 on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 12:04:00 PST

expressing grief

Parted Farewell to one now silenced quite, Sent out of hearing, out of sight, My friend of friends, whom I shall miss, He is not banished, though, for this,Nor he, nor sadness, nor delight. Though I ...
Posted by Shel_1952 on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 11:24:00 PST

The Silver Swan, Who Living Had No Note

The silver swan, who living had no note. When death approach'd, unlock'd her silent throat; Leaning her breast against the reedy shore, Thus sung her first and last, and sung no more. Farewell, all j...
Posted by Shel_1952 on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 04:54:00 PST