New Covenant Sounds of Praise is a church that has magnetic power in glorifying God through Praise * Worship * Music * Drama * Youth Ministry * Religious & Academic Education and is powerful in the preached word with the five-fold ministry in full operation.Our mission is to fulfill the Gospel mandate to alleviate human suffering by reaching out to the members of our neighborhood and surrounding communities by providing resources necessary for daily living, providing food, shelter, clothing, mentoring, transportation, counseling (marital, family, individual, financial, & spiritual) and other services as necessary.We seek to minister to the natural and spiritual needs of individuals and serve as a walk-in, full-service facility providing emergency services, resources and referral information to those in need.Our Worship Location: Shiloh United Holiness Church, 142 Dewitt Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ 07712YOU CAN ALSO VISIT US AT OUT WEBSITE: NEWCOVENANTSOP.COMGOD BLESS
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