It's time I admit it to the world, although if you're here you probably already know. I'm a geek, computers, role-playing, miniature wargames, comics, fantasy fiction. Yep, I'm hopeless... But I'm not a complete blob, I like to hike, go biking, play baseball, and get out in general. Can't sit around all the time.
All the people I thought knew me, so I can figure out who I am...
Current Favorite: Death Cab for Cutie. Also Coldplay, NIN, DMB, Blues Traveller, Foo Fighters, Audioslave, Mozart (the first rock star), Vivaldi, lots and lots of others... Wow, I feel terrible, I forgot Radiohead, I am a bad person...
Reigning Champion: LoTR: The Fellowship (You can be a purist and still love these movies). Others: Fight Club, Braveheart, Star Wars (the old ones, you can't be a purist and love the new ones...), Pirates of the Carribean, Indiana Jones (ok, ok, George Lucas has his uses...), Taken (a little cult classic by Steven Spielburg with Dakota Fanning), The Sixth Sense.
Top Dog: Lost (the first show to make me think in quite some time). Other great shows: The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, South Park, Smallville (it's the thought that counts...), My Name is Earl.
The Great: The Lord of the Rings. I'm a fantasy fan: George R R Martin's A Game of Thrones series, Guy Gavriel Kay's Fionavar Tapestry, RA Salvator's Dark Elf series, Charles Dicken's writing, I've been rereading some of my childhood favorites by Roald Dahl (The BFG and Witches), and Llyod Alexander (Chronicles of Prydain). Props to Shakespeare and Mark Twain, can't understand critical reading if you can't understand that...
Who I'd like to be: Superman (duh...). But seriously: I am Batman.