"Girls are like
apples on trees. The
best ones are on the top
of the tree. Boys don't want
to reach for the good apples
because they are afraid of falling
and getting hurt. Instead they get
the rotten apples from the ground
that aren't as good, but easy. So the
apples at the top think something
is wrong with them, when in fact
they are amazing. They just have
to wait for the right boy, the one
who will risk everything,
who's brave
to climb
all the way
uppp to the
top of the tree."
Hi, I'm Andi. Or Hoebag, which ever you prefer :] Yeah people think I'm shy but they have absolutely NO idea. Get to know me and I'll laugh so hard until i pee myself, talk like crazy until you aren't listening anymore, and COMPLETELY open up to you. I love eating (veryyyy much), tanning, working out, going to the mall, eating Chipotle, rating hot guys, walking around venice/sarasota, longboarding, skateboarding, swimming, snowboarding, going to the beach, and pretty much everything else. I pretty much spend all my free time with this one girl named Lyndsey. Shes kinda my best friend. Since 3rd grade baybehhhh! So pretty much i'm probably the most amazing person to hang out with.