Ohh I already covered some of this in the about me section. Well I'll repeat them here. Movies, watching T.V. (Iam talented at both), business, going out (preferably with chics), reading, sleeping and eating (Iam not fat though). And thats the list.
I would like to meet Elvis but I cant because hes dead.
Alternative, Rap, Classical, and Classic Rock.. Video code provided by ..com
Video code provided by ..com
I like all the great movies. I prefer the ones that dont suck.
Sitcoms that are actually funny ex. That 70's show, Rosanne, Everybody loves Raymond, and the Simpsons. Other T.V. shows include the Shield, Howard Stern, Sex in the City and Cops (because I was on there once).
History Books, Cook books and books that short people sit on to make them look taller when their sitting down.
My heros are Bert Reynolds and Dennis Rodman.