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Hang Jones

About Me

"As a concept album The Ballad of Carlsbad County is more then the sum of it’s parts... This dusty, dark beauty [is] one of my favorite releases of the year."
–Twang Nation
"Hang Jones is an effort to make the western ballad popular without reaching out to the glitter crowd of Nashville and L.A."
–Indie Update
The best Americana songs all have one thing in common: someone has to get shot. Singer/songwriter Hang Jones took this to heart when writing the songs for his debut album The Ballad of Carlsbad County. What began as a collection of bluegrass inspired country-rock songs evolved into a Western Outlaw-themed story album complete with hangings, gunfights, love, sex, and revenge. Jones credits two of his songs as catalysts for inspiring him to write a concept record. “When I began writing material for the new record, ‘Caroline’ and ‘Red’ were my favorites. I liked them for their cinematic quality, and they were a lot of fun to sing, but when I noticed that they could be chapters in a much larger story, I got really excited about rewriting all the other tunes to fit into the story.”
The album chronicles the life and fall of William Bishop. Born the son of a notorious outlaw, William, at an early age, witnesses his father’s capture and hanging. He spends his developmental years wrestling with the stigma of his father’s crimes (and punishment) while his mother stresses that William’s fate is not the same as his father’s. “I liked the idea of playing with free will versus destiny. Put the protagonist into situations where if he does what he feels is morally right, he will eventually wind up on the same road as his father, a man he himself views as amoral.” Each track on the album is a chapter in the story, taking William, and the listener, to the inevitable crossroads where our hero will have to decide his own fate: hang like his father, or live free like his mother taught him.
Jones is no newcomer to cinematic songwriting. His songs have been featured in the film “American Venus” (2007), as well as NBC prime time television shows “Friday Night Lights,” “The Black Donnellys,” and “Quarterlife.” Jones is also a skilled front man; honing his live performances in his Americana rock band Del Bombers, opening for such legendary acts as Social Distortion, The Blasters, and The Cadillac Tramps as well as several headlining North American tours.
To promote his latest creation Jones has embraced the many tools available on the web to get his music to his fans. A series of music videos have been created, allowing the viewer to get deeper into the storyline of the album. The videos will be released in installments on the Hang Jones website (www.hangjones.com), as well as several peer to peer and social networking sites. Modeled after an old radio serial show, each video has a cliffhanger ending, building up tension for the video that follows. In addition, Jones has added a "Legend" page to his site, where visitors can read how each song on the album ties into the overall story. While the web has begun to bridge the gap between the artist and fan, Jones still believes the best way to get his music, and story, to the masses is through performing live. Jones' live show is stripped down and gritty, captivating the audience through the power of the music, and entangling them in the story through weaving vignettes of the album's principal characters through the songs and spoken interludes. Jones is currently performing throughout Northern California, and will take his act on the road beginning this spring.
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Member Since: 03/04/2008
Band Website: www.hangjones.com
Band Members: Hang Jones: Vocals, Guitar, Mandolin
Matt Cunitz: Upright Bass, Pump Organ, Vocals
Mayumi Urgino: Fiddle, Vocals
Scott Sneddon: Guitar, Mandolin
Influences: Townes Van Zandt, Steve Earle, Tom Waits, The Stones, John Hurt, Bruce Springsteen, Tim Easton, Rev Gary Davis, John Mellencamp, Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Blind Blake, Charley Patton, John Lee Hooker.
Sounds Like:
A limited number of the Ballad of Carlsbad County CD's are now available for purchase at www.hangjones.com/shop.html

Also available for digital download from iTunes

My Blog

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Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 15:46:00 GMT

The world wide web as the new record label

There is a lot of hub bub out about the web replacing the traditionalmusic label.  This news has been heralded by many indie artists (myselfincluded) as the savior of our kind.  The web has leveled th...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 14:16:00 GMT

Yet another reason the music industry is tanking

Guns and Roses. Wait, sorry Mr. Rose, Guns N' Roses. One album that mattered over 20 years ago and a frontman that has become as synonymous with "asshole lead singer" as Yoko has with "meddling band...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Nov 2008 17:52:00 GMT

An adventure in costuming a period piece

Two days before we flew to LA to shoot the first two videos we had actors, a crew, and an amazing location. What we did not have were costumes, and the majority of the props we needed. An issue when o...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 17:00:00 GMT

A few Changes

So you might have noticed a few new things today.  First, I actually wrote a blog post!  Sorry it has been a while, but I've been hard at work with some good friends of mine getting the site...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 17:24:00 GMT

Hang Jones Interview with Richard Wayne for Design That Kills

Howdy Folks,I sat down with Richard Wayne from Designthatkills.com for an interview about the upcoming release of "The Ballad of Carlsbad County."  Stop on by and take a look.Hanghttp://designtha...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 20:20:00 GMT


The last several days I've been asking myself one question. Why? Why do I want to do THIS? When I've seen all my musical heroes suffer through addiction, and rip through wives like a beagle on a loaf ...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 14:40:00 GMT

Quod tu es, ego fui, quod ego sum, tu eris

We ain't here for long, I try not to focus on it, but that old Latin phrase haunts my ass most nights. I find myself searching for the brake lever, but all I got is accelerator. So the best one can do...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 09:18:00 GMT

Wasted Time

Mixing "Wasted Time" in the studio was when I discovered how close I had become to people that don't even exist. I'm sitting in the bar with William, Mayumi has become the voice of Caroline. I can fee...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 08:00:00 GMT

Three Years Ago Today

I was standing on the steps of a Graeco-Roman inspired colonnade waiting for my "it's only a matter of seconds now" wife-to-be. It was an abnormally hot and humid day in the Bay Area, she was on Islan...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 10:11:00 GMT