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About Me

I pride myself on having made it on stage @ an LL Cool J concert & having made it out of some sketchy, developing countries.I prefer paper 2 plastic, avoid styrofoam & firmly believe pedicures r a necessity(cuz let's face it, nobody likes Hobbit feet). I like being tan & saving dogs. Frankly, I like dogs way more than people, tho' my daughter/husband rank up there w/my favorite canines ;-)Done some cool stuff like visit Cuba legally; hit up Jamaica;lived in Costa Rica & traipsed around Nicaragua 4 a minute; buzzed around Belize, Mexico, Guatemala, kill 4 Puerto Rico & seen my share of Caribbean islands. France & Spain r classic, a bit $. I'd like 2 visit the Canary Islands. Brazil's absolutely bangin' & would love 2 go back. Everyone there is beautiful - young + old & in shape. Believe me! The Amazon will leave u breathless! Need 2 get 2 Honduras/Roatan.Would b a great travel writer & would love 2 write my thesis on scary Latin American prisons,including interviewing inmates. I have a strange fascination 4 carnies so when the trailers roll in to our town's Daffodil Festival, I'm a voyeur. Great material 4 a black 'n' white documentary. Wish I'd done one while living in Costa Rica where ex-pats were literally reinventing themselves by the minute! Talk 'bout Disney World meets Twilight Zone? Playas del Coco, Guanacaste, CR. Literally, the place where u can be anything u say u are & noone questions u. Wanna be anonymous? U can be that, too, there.I like the beach & look 4-ward to vacations! Hope 2 turn my daughter on 2 the passion of travel (need a buddy to hike the Inca Trail & stare thru the morning fog of Macchu Picchu).

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Terrence Howard, M. Night Shyamalan, Cesar Millan, Raul Castro, Augustine & Pablo- my tour guide & bus driver in Cuba-and Lil Wayne, clean & sober ;-)

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