Synapticat profile picture


About Me

Look up. Look down. Look all around. Even if this ain't hapnin at all, somethins obviously hapnin. Don't stop eatin those contraband cookies, amigo. It's the tides, I'm tellin you. The full-moon tide and cosmic magnetism and wool-knit dress socks and dusty fiction. But all I'm doin is suckin it up out of the air and blowin it into a ziploc bag for ya, brother. You can save it for later, sure. But it tastes ridiculously delicious if its fresh. Trust me.Check out the amazing local artists in my top friends. I know the local music scene here aint much, but if you and I don't support it, who will?

My Interests


Member Since: 03/04/2008
Band Members: Matthew Schultz
Influences: Desert thunderstorms, windmills, bonfires, feral beards, intoxicated cooking attempts, hidden pocketwatches, string theory, sex dreams that turn into escape dreams that turn into zombie dreams that turn into savior dreams that turn back into sex dreams, dusty leatherbounds, midnight odysseys, drunken philosophy, paradoxical thought, and empty promises.
Sounds Like: You tell me. That's why I have it on MySpace in the first place.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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