Member Since: 03/04/2008
Band Members:THE PARTNERS:
AND IMAG'CONCEPT our video partnerFOR BOOKING THE BANDS:By phone: 06 78 51 90 00
(Franck Chauvel)
leave your message 24H/24H we call you back very soon.By mail: [email protected] letter: Rock House Productions
59, avenue de Paris
esc. 3-résidence les Tourelles
95230 Soisy-sous-MontmorencyThe Bands of Rock House Productions France:
-ROCK 50's:
Jerry Lee Lewis /
Chuck Berry /
Burt Blanca /
Crazy Cavan /
Matchbox /
Freddy Della /
The Avengers /
The Firebirds /
Riem de Wolff /
Nelson Carrera /
Hot Rock /
Burning Dust /
Earl and The Overtones /
Black Raven /
Red Hot /
The Kentucky Boys /
Hot Chickens /
Gunshot /
Hot Rythm and Booze /
Roots 56 /
The Sun’Stroke /
Arnold Becker /
Rocking Rebels /
Erwin Travis /
Ricky Norton /
The Dalann Fly Cats /
Betty and The Bops /
keith B Brown /
Mickael Jones /
Fred Chapelier /
Garzen Blues Band /
Dave Titley /
The Hoodoomen /
Cadijo /
Napoléon Washington /
Edwin Denninger /
Bab’ Blue /
CVMF Blues Band /
Mr Hardearly /
Manish Boys /
Two Timers /
Bloosers /
Black and Blue
Stringers in the night /
Wanana Blues Blasters /
Double Stone Washed /
The Blockbusters /
Scratch my Back /
Stillife /
Adam Fulara /
Albert Lee /
Orville Nash /
The Deans /
Janet Martin /
Of Course /
Riem de Wolff /
Savannah /
Liane Edwards /
Hayseed Dixie /
Vicky Layne /
Youpi Whaou /
Diesel Dust /
Natchez /
Plug and Play /
Boogie Music Bang /
Eddy Ray Cooper /
Hotclub Deluxe
Kermheat /
Icon-X /
Psycho Shop/
-Rock 50's/Metal/Blues/Country ...Rock House Productions France is born after meeting some people with the same passion of music...All one are pro or semi-pro in music, video and concert security (Experience: POPB-Paris /Stade de France / Paris Hall ...)-Without Eddie Cochran and Gene Vincent... Rock House Productions France would never have started!!! I'll never forget them !!! At 8 YO when the first time i have listened was the beginning of a long story ...After lots of artists (the list is too long have influenced me but Eddie and Gene stay the best in my memory...Special thanks to the Sun Studio and Sam Phillips for his work...Special thanks to: Southern John and The Calibre 12 Band...Ludovic Dessette...Good luck for your new life...Keep on Rocking !!! Franck Chauvel (Président)
Sounds Like:Joe Satriani avec Kermheat et Olivierkermheat demo
..Keith B. Brown
Pete Ross and The Paesanos
..Pete Ross with Dom DaleegawCVMF concert 2008 (extraits 3 titres)
..Freddy Della
..Nelson Carrera et The Hot Rocks
.Janet Martin
..Liane Edwards
..Eddy Ray Cooper
..The Hayseed Dixie Story
..The Hoodoomen
..The Blockbusters
..The Hot Chickens
..plug & play
..Diesel Dust
..Youpi Whaou
..Edwin Denninger
Record Label: Booking Management (Productions)