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To request the first degrees contact me Frater AzazIOelSet11 ,', here or by email:
After your intentions for approaching the order are made clear and you are understood be for the liberation of humanity within and without as well as the willed-conscious evolution then you will be accepted to the orders.
This is a a page for the USA Midwest regional area as well as all throughout the USA and Internationally. For degrees I' - II' of Orden Illuminati and Societas OTO. We are here to unite others working toward lodge status here in the Midwestern USA regional area, etc. If you are interested in our initiatory school you are welcome to contact us. We are centered around traditional systems of initiation: Qabalah, yoga, Alchemy, symbolism, tantra and how alchemy principles relate to Qabalah, Tantrism LHP/Redway, as well as Yoga.
In the Rojismo and its orders, we found to initiates and philosophers who deserve to be remembered.
(Philosopher and initiate)
It founded the Illuminati de Baviera on 1776 and recovered the Initiation Fundamental, based on initiates turned Gods, that is to say, in beings able to transform its reality and the reality that surrounded them, with freedom and equality.
(Philosopher and initiate)
He founded the Illuminati Order in 1995 and restored the Fundamental Initiation completely, denominating it Rojismo.
He is one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to transform means.
He laid the the foundations of a scientific methodology of the scientific socialism or Comunism. The scientific socialism or Comunism, as it was exposed by Marx, was based on the historical materialism, the fight of classes, the foundation of the communist party on the part of the proletariado one, the taking of the Power, the dictatorship of the proletariado one, the appropriation of production means, the distribution of the wealth, the elimination of the social classes and the State… He is one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to transform means.
He is another one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to transform means.
He laid the the foundations of the libertario socialism or anarchism,it defended the destruction of all authority, the State, the deprived property, by means of the revolution, the appropriation of production means, the colectivismo (to each one the product of its work occurs him) and other measures. The later communist anarchism of Kropotkin pleaded to reject the colectivismo that gave to everyone the product of its work, favoring the Comunism and the equality of distribution. Bakunin Is one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to transform means.
(Philosopher and president of Korea of the North)
He is another one of the great philosophers whom the Rojismo assumes to transform means.
The concept of man and ideological conscience of the Rojismo has a source of inspiration in the great philosopher Kim Jon Il, present president of Korea of the North.
He is the psychologist and psychoanalyst whom the Rojismo assumes to include/understand the System of initiation, from the perspective of scientific psychology.
OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) was founded in the beginnings of XX century by Austrian industrial and chemical Karl Kellner (Frater Renatus, 1850-1905), who was substituted by Theodor Reuss (Frater Peregrinus, 1855-1923) when died. Its Constitution was in 1906. OTO had born of English John Yarker Masonic Rites of Memphis-Misraïm.
In 1902, Theodor Reuss established the Sovereign Sanctuary of Memphis-Misraïm in Germany. In 1913, when Yarker died, Reuss became International Head of the Rite.
OTO’s Official history also explains that its founders received its tantric doctrine by three Oriental initiated: Arabian fakir Soliman ben Haifa and Hindus yogis Bhima Sen Pratap y Sri Mahatma Aganya Guru Paramahamsa. It seems logical that Oriflamme magazine, the German Templar organ, announced that “OTO has the Key that open all of secrets, Masonic and hermetic, sexual magic instruction, and this instruction makes comprehensible the whole of nature secrets, Freemasonry symbolism, and all religious systemsâ€.
English famous initiated Aleister Crowley (Frater Baphomet, 1875-1947) became an OTO’s member in 1910, chief of the English branch en 1912 and, then, head of the whole order from 1921, after several discussions with maximal responsible persons of German OTO.
For OTO, Aleister Crowley wrote books and so interesting documents like Liber Agape, Gnostic Mass, where IXº degree secret appears, and the opuscle De Arte Magica.
After he assumed to be head of OTO in 1922, Crowley established interesting contacts with German initiated persons as Karl Germer (Frater Saturnus, 1885-1962), for OTO extension. Germer sold his Vienna proprieties and he established in Munich. There, he created ‘Pansophia’. This society decided to edit several Crowley books and it remained subject under OTO influence and Frater Baphomet (Aleister Crowley). Several Pansophia adepts had serious problems for accept Liber Legis (Book of Law) and Crowley as their leader. An entity called Aiwass revealed Liber Legis to Crowley in Egypt, in April, 1904. Germer remained by Crowley and he never didn’t left him.
In 1935, Nazis forbidden Astrum Argentum –an order commanded by Crowley since 1906 that depends of OTO-, OTO and another Masonic, Rosicrucian and Templar orders. Karl Germer, Frater Saturnus, as a chief of German OTO, was arrested and conducted to a concentration camp. Later, he was liberated and when Second War World began, Belgium authorities arrested again because he was German and they deported him to France, where he was interned until 1941. Finally, he got a cabin in a boat that went to USA.
OTO headquarters established in California (USA) till Crowley died in 1947 and Karl Germer was his successor in front of OTO.
Kenneth Grant had joined in OTO in thirty decade y he had a near relation with Crowley. January, 1952, the only Crowley legal successor, Karl Germer, wrote to Grant: ‘If we want that OTO goes on correctly, we must have a competent leader, not only for England but the whole world. He must be anybody who knows subject from inside… I think that you must be elected for this place’.
But, in 1955, Grant, Crowley loyal pupil, became distant of OTO and he found Nu-Isis Lodge in London, found Seth-Sirius current and he prosecuted his way alone. Because of it, Karl Germer, as order Head, removed him from OTO.
In 1952, Marcelo Ramos Motta (Frater Parzival, 1931-1987) was joining in Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua of A. Krumm-Heller and in 1953 Krumm-Heller son, in person, instructed him in Germany. In 1956, Marcelo Ramos Motta visited Germer in Barstow, USA. Motta was initiated in IXº degree but he was disappointed. In 1961, Motta went to Brazil and he developed Society OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis). Karl Germer died in October 25, 1962 in Jackson, because he has a prostate cancer and his wife, Sasha Germer, has his testament. After five days he had died, Sasha Germer wrote Marcelo Ramos Motta this letter: ‘Our dear master is died. You are his continuer. I give you this nomination took with my hands when he died, because it was his last will’.
Marcelo Ramos Motta went on his work with Society OTO as Karl Germer successor and, in 1987, he died because of myocardium infarct and pulmonary oedema.
Then, Society OTO divided and a Motta successor in front of the order was North American David Bersson (Frater Sphinx).
Gabriel López de Rojas (Frater Prometeo) contacted with Society OTO-Astrum Argentum of David Bersson in autumn, 1999; he was admitted as a member and representative in Spain of Society OTO and Astrum Argentum in December, 1999. He joined officially in Society OTO and Astrum Argentum on January 11 and 28, 2000, with initiation names Prometeo and Oz, respectively; and he represented both orders in Spain until 2000 end.
Society OTO-Astrum Argentum degrees had a low level, with documents like ‘The black lodge (Iº-IIIº)’, and intern situation of both orders was very bad because they were summit to David Bersson caprices. In December, 12ve, 1999, Ramon Santiago wrote de Rojas: ‘it seems that I Am the only one giving courage in translate documents’. In another letter, in June, 13th, 2000, he advised him that Bersson wanted ‘put Astrum Argentum on ‘sleep’, something that I don’t understand’. So, Bersson wanted eliminated it, but he completed a sending from Iº to IIIº and ‘documents for begin to understand the Inner Circle from IVº to VIº’.
At last of 2000, Gabriel López de Rojas dissociate himself from Society OTO-Astrum Argentum and structures again the only OTO heiress of the OTO of Aleister Crowley. It provoked, in February, 2001, he founded our Societas OTO (Ordo Templi Orientalis) and historical relation of maximum heads of OTO was:
1. Karl Kellner, Frater Renatus, 1895-1905
2. Theodor Reuss, Frater Peregrinus, 1905-1923
3. Aleister Crowley, Frater Baphomet, 1923-1947
4. Karl Germer, Frater Saturnus, 1947-1962
5. Marcelo Ramos Motta, Frater Parzival, 1962-1987
6. David Bersson, Frater Sphinx, 1987-2001
7. Gabriel López de Rojas, Frater Prometeo, 2001-
International extension of Societas OTO has been a constant since its foundation. Societas OTO has affiliated persons in more of twenty-five countries of America and Europe principally, with National Heads or Venerable, chapters (lodges), etc.
Out of the lineage of authentic OTO of Aleister Crowley, Germer, Motta, Bersson, de Rojas…, other organizations have used OTO name, most of them without any relation with OTO of Aleister Crowley and other ones argue this relation using only letters (OTO of Grady Louis McMurtry).
In 1968, North American military Grady Louis McMurtry knew Germer’s dead and, next year, he reorganized Agape Lodge in California. He recovered of its files, with ability, two Crowley letters, of March and April, 1946. In these letters Crowley said that he capacitated McMurtry ‘in necessity moments’ to reform Agape Lodge of OTO in California, under Germer approbation.
In fact, on 1947 Juny 6th, Crowley had written to Germer suggested him a triumvirate with Mellinger, McMurtry and Roy Leffing under Germer direction.On 1948 March, three months later of Crowley's death, Germer wrote to McMurtry to communicate him that the triumvirate added to J. Wolf.
Using these letters, a very little thing or nothing, McMurtry invented that his OTO was the authentic OTO successor of Crowley, although his argument rised of documents that do not named his successor and of a lodge of 1969, and he began a famous judicial dispute.
In May, 13th, 1985, a trial was celebrated in California. It had to resolve who could use OTO name in USA and could publish the order works. Trial contenders were Society OTO of Marcelo Ramos Motta and Ordo Templi Orientis invented by Grady McMurtry. The British OTO of Kenneth Grant and other OTO were named during the trial.
The result was favourable to Grady McMurtry, although he died July, 12ve, 1985, the same day Agape Lodge of his OTO was legally recognized as an American organization with OTO copyright in USA.
Motta accused McMurtry OTO of being a North American spy setting, of famous CIA, probable enough, while OTO of McMurtry, a last time invent, injustly appropriated of name OTO for a part of USA. There are rational evidences for think that the theory of Motta is correct and point at OTO of McMurtry, today a millionaire business, as a cover for CIA.
Responsible and members of OTO of McMurtry would be only 'aerials', conscious or unconscious, of North American intelligence service, CIA, widespread on the whole world, as well as activities of organization a way of infiltration in countries or hostile regimes, with the aim of information.
The initiation system in which you entered, is a high launch, which is a legitimate heir of the work performed by the Bavarian Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt (Spartacus Frater), founded on May 1, 1776 and Gabriel López de Rojas (Frater Prometheus) re based on a second order in the spring of 1995 in Barcelona, Spain, and inherited by General Priorato accompli from 2008, where thirteen members of the last secret level of our orders scattered by the world, took the leadership of the work to expand and spread the light of this new order on the universe. The initiation system in which you entered, is a high launch, which is a legitimate heir of the work performed by the Bavarian Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt (Spartacus Frater), founded on May 1, 1776 and Gabriel López de Rojas (Frater Prometheus) re based on a second order in the spring of 1995 in Barcelona, Spain, and inherited by General Priorato accompli from 2008, where thirteen members of the secret last level of our orders scattered by the world, took the leadership of the work to expand and spread the light of this new order on the universe.
The lessons to be learned by you through this system of initiation, initiation and cover various schools of thought, such as Hermeticism, Alchemy (Internal and External) magic, chivalrous orders as the Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights , schools and astronomical Persian Sumerian, the Egyptian pantheon, Greek and Roman, the cabal in its various branches, metaphysics, Freemasons, among other not less important. The lessons to be learned by you through this system of initiation, initiation and cover various schools of thought, such as Hermeticism, Alchemy (Internal and External) magic, chivalrous orders as the Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights, schools and astronomical Persian Sumerian, the Egyptian pantheon, Greek and Roman, the sound in its various branches, Metaphysics, Freemasons, among other not less important.
Our system is structured in two initiation Masonic Rites: The thirteen degrees of the Illuminati Order (The Enlightened Operative Rite of Bavaria) and ten degrees of the Societas OTO (Rite of Memphis-Misraïm Force), which present the most important Masonic degrees. Our system is structured in two Masonic Initiation Rites: The thirteen degrees of the Illuminati Order (The Enlightened Operative Rite of Bavaria) and ten degrees of the Societas OTO (Rite of Memphis-Misraïm Force), which present the most important Masonic degrees.
This initiation system takes as fundamental pillars of the initial real desire, the will, the awakening of man, respect the cycles and order, coherence, to traditional ways of initiation (yoga, tantra, cabal, symbolism, alchemy), and the transformation of the work started by operating their own divinity, and the alchemical androgynous divine, always looking for this in its internal evolution outside, but on the evolution of the human being, from comprehensive development in all levels of the human being, as in Buddhism, we aspire to a smooth growth in the mental, spiritual, astral, energy and others. This initiation system takes as fundamental pillars of the initial real desire, the will, the awakening of man, respect the cycles and order, coherence, to traditional ways of initiation (yoga, tantra, full, Symbolism, Alchemy), and the transformation of the work started by operating their own divinity, and the Alchemical Androgynous divine, always looking for this in its internal evolution outside, but on the evolution of the human being, from comprehensive development in all levels of the human being, as in Buddhism, we aspire to a smooth growth in the mental, spiritual, astral, energy and others.
In this system, it is also important figure of the bearer of light, which we call, as some Western traditions as Baphomet. In this system, it is also important figure of the bearer of light, which we call, as some Western traditions as Baphomet. Only with this iconography the initiation is complete. Only with this iconography the initiation is completed.
Slave of the gods and their "shackles" initiatory work is "castrated" and complete the launch is not possible. Slave of the gods and their "SHACKLES" initiatory work is "castrati" and complete the launch is not possible.
Shall be the duty of you, and continue to absorb as a way of life "The Commandments of The Illuminati" and to crown them with our initiatory initiatory message, egalitarian and libertarian. Shall be the duty of you, and continue to absorb as a way of life "The Commandments of The Illuminati" and to crown them with our initiatory initiatory message, egalitarian and Libertarian.
ORDER Illuminati, its founder,
The Order of the Bavarian Illuminati was founded on 1 May 1776 by Adam Weishaupt (Spartacus Frater), then was re-founded after being in a dream by Gabriel López de Rojas, in the spring of 1995 in Barcelona, Spain after contact with this Illuminati U.S. The Order of the Bavarian Illuminati was founded on 1 May 1776 by Adam Weishaupt (Spartacus Frater), then was re-founded after being in a dream by Gabriel López de Rojas, in the spring of 1995 in Barcelona, Spain after contact with this Illuminati U.S. The current system was recovered by the General Priorato consist of thirteen members of the last secret level to be the legitimate heir of the Bavarian Illuminati of Weishaupt and López de Rojas. The current system was recovered by the General Priorato consist of thirteen members of the last secret level to be the legitimate heir of the Bavarian Illuminati of Weishaupt and López de Rojas.
Paramasónica order is called, because it masonic tradition and many of its symbols and traditions, but does not assume the Landmarks (rules) of the modern Freemasons. Paramasónica order is called, because it Masonic tradition and many of its symbols and traditions, but does not assume the Landmarks (rules) of the modern Freemasons.
Order Illuminati taught their lessons through the initiation rite of The Enlightened Operative Bavaria 13 degrees of initiation which is fed by the degrees of the Rite of The Illuminated of Bavaria 3, produced by Adam Weishaupt and Adolph von Knigge in the eighteenth century ; of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of 33 degrees, the traditions of the York Rite and XIII / XIV Degrees of Masonry and the Ancient Egyptian and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Mizraïm Turkish Masonry and 3 degrees, and traditions Schools chivalrous as the Knights Templar, the Cistercian Order of Teutonic Knights and, without leaving aside the traditional ways of initiation as the Cabala, alchemy, the secretiveness, the Pythagoreans mysteries of Eleusis, among others. Order Illuminati taught their lessons through the initiation rite of The Enlightened Operative Bavaria 13 degrees of initiation which is fed by the degrees of the Rite of The Illuminated of Bavaria 3, produced by Adam Weishaupt and Adolph von Knigge in the eighteenth century, of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of 33 degrees, the traditions of the York Rite and XIII / XIV Degrees of Masonry and the Ancient Egyptian and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Mizraïm Turkish Masonry and 3 degrees, and chivalrous traditions Schools as the Knights Templar, the Cistercian Order of Teutonic Knights and, without leaving aside the traditional ways of initiation as the Cabala, alchemy, the secretiveness, the mysteries of Eleusis Pythagoreans, among others.
The thirteen degrees of initiation
Thirteen degrees of the Rite of The Enlightened Operative Bavaria are Noviciate (I th), Iluminado minerval (Second), Lit Lit Major and Minor (III °), Caballero Mason (Apprentice IV º V º Compañero VI and Master degrees), Iluminado Dirigente (Sovereign Prince of Rosacruz VII, VIII º Knight Kadosh and Sovereign Grand Inspector General IX º), Priest Lit (X th), Prince Iluminado (XI °) Mago Philosopher (XII °) Men and King (XIII grade). Thirteen degrees of the Rite of The Enlightened Operative Bavaria are Noviciate (I th), Iluminado minerval (Second), Lit Lit Major and Minor (III), Mason Knight (Apprentice IV º V º Compañero VI and Master degrees), Iluminado Dirigente (Sovereign Prince of Rosacruz VII, VIII º Knight Kadosh and Sovereign Grand Inspector General IX º), Priest Lit (X th), Prince Iluminado (XI °) Mago Philosopher (XII °) Men and King (XIII grade).
3. 3. THE LIBER Tzion, the commandments and BAPHOMET. THE LIBER Tzion, the commandments and BAPHOMET.
Liber Tzion was received by General Priorato issued by the bearer of Light, to be handed over to the new order of the Illuminati (OI, Societas OTO), who must extend their knowledge and message of the universe. Liber Tzion was received by General Priorato issued by the bearer of Light, to be handed over to the new order of the Illuminati (OI, Societas OTO), who must extend their knowledge and message of the universe.
Liber Tzion has a double face: an exoteric for Humanity and other esoteric for the beginning of OI, Societas OTO ... Liber Tzion has a double face: an exoteric for Humanity and other Esoteric for the beginning of OI, Societas OTO ... The Commandments and the landmarks are Tzion Liber (rules) of the Masonic Illuminati (SOTO and OI), based on freedom and equality awareness. The Commandments and the landmarks are Tzion Liber (rules) of the Masonic Illuminati (SOTO and OI), based on freedom and equality awareness. Freedom and equality in the sense that there is no dogma and equal opportunities, are two cornerstones for the evolution of man and his true initiation. Freedom and equality in the sense that there is no dogma and equal opportunities, are two cornerstone for the evolution of man and his true initiation. Without freedom, kept the chains of slavery initiation and evolution is impossible. Without freedom, kept the chains of slavery initiation and evolution is impossible. Without equality, we become murderers of other human beings and unworthy of initiation. Without equality, we become Murderers of other human beings and unworthy of initiation. New World Order advocate an egalitarian and libertarian. New World Order advocate an egalitarian and Libertarian.
The bearer of Light, Baphomet, Iblis, Samael, you must have a single idea: Only with the initiation is complete. The bearer of Light, Baphomet, Iblis, Samael, you must have a single idea: Only with the initiation is complete. With gods and their slave "shackles", the work of initiation is "castrated" and complete the launch is not possible. With gods and their slave "SHACKLES" the work of initiation is "castrati" and complete the launch is not possible.
Every human being, at some point in its existence has been questioned on the meaning of his existence, but few are those who, moved by the "Mercury" began a search for answers to these questions, and of these, least those who are awakening their consciences decide thrown at the doors of a temple known for conquering the right place for them in the universe. Every human being, at some point in its existence has been questioned on the meaning of his existence, but few are those who, moved by the "Mercury" began to search for answers to these questions, and of these, least those who are awakening their conscience decide Thrown at the doors of a temple known for Conquering the right place for them in the universe.
Only those people who have worked to overcome their state of "sleep" permanently and have exceeded their awakening consciousness are "awake" and prepared to take a teaching or initiatives, understanding the initiation as a symbolic death of man "old" causing the birth of a new man. Only those people who have worked to overcome their state of "sleep" permanently and have exceeded their awakening consciousness are "awake" and prepared to take a teaching or initiatives, understanding the initiation as a symbolic death of man "old" causing the birth of a new man. You must raise their consciousness progressively during the 4 six months of work the Noviciate requires paying attention to when you walk, talk, think, write or eat. You must raise their consciousness progressively during the 4 months of work the six Noviciate requires paying attention to when you walk, talk, think, write or eat. This will prepare you to take a teaching or initiations. This will prepare you to take a teaching or Initiations.
The Bavarian Illuminati in the eighteenth century gave importance to the awakening of consciousness and, therefore, insiders were required to be "awake" and constantly look to their friends, family ..., noting his experience (you can also write a diary ) and transferred to Brother or insinuating Instructor. The Bavarian Illuminati in the eighteenth century gave importance to the awakening of consciousness and, therefore, insiders were required to be "awake" and constantly look to their friends, family ..., noting his experience (you can also write a diary) and transferred to Brother or insinuating Instructor.
Here are the Commandments of The Illuminati.
1. Baphomet is the bearer of light and guardian of the temple igneous
2. Human beings are part of God's creation. Human beings are part of God's creation.
3. Every man and every woman is a star and God.
4. Man has the right to study, write, think and speak as you want.
5. Man has the right to shape and sculpt as you want.
6. Man has the right to work and relax as you want.
7. Man has the right to eat and drink what you want.
8. Man has the right to live, eat and dress and travel to anywhere.
9. Man has the right to love and where, when and with whom they want.
10. Man has the right to housing, work, schooling and health care and to defend and attack who violates their rights.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen from the Constitution of Year I (1793)
The French people, convinced that forgetfulness and contempts of the natural rights of man are the sole causes of the miseries of the world, have resolved to set forth in a solemn declaration these sacred and inalienable rights, in order that all the citizens, being able to compare unceasingly the acts of the government with the aim of every social institution, may never allow themselves to be oppressed and debased by tyranny; and in order that the people may always have before their eyes the foundations of their liberty and their welfare, the magistrate the rule of his duties, the legislator the purpose of his commission.
In consequence, it proclaims in the presence of the supreme being the following declaration of the rights of man and citizen.
1. The aim of society is the common welfare. Government is instituted in order to guarantee to man the enjoyment of his natural and imprescriptible rights.
2. These rights are equality, liberty, security, and property.
3. All men are equal by nature and before the law.
4. Law is the free and solemn expression of the general will; it is the same for all, whether it protects or punishes; it can command only what is just and useful to society; it can forbid only what is injurious to it.
5. All citizens are equally eligible to public employments. Free peoples know no other grounds for preference in their elections than virtue and talent.
6. Liberty is the power that belongs to man to do whatever is not injurious to the rights of others; it has nature for its principle, justice for its rule, law for its defense; its moral limit is in this maxim: Do not do to another that which you do not wish should be done to you.
7. The right to express one's thoughts and opinions by means of the press or in any other manner, the right to assemble peaceably, the free pursuit of religion, cannot be forbidden.
The necessity of enunciating these rights supposes either the presence or the fresh recollection of despotism.
8. Security consists in the protection afforded by society to each of its members for the preservation of his person, his rights, and his property.
9. The law ought to protect public and personal liberty against the oppression of those who govern.
10. No one ought to be accused, arrested, or detained except in the cases determined by law and according to the forms that it has prescribed. Any citizen summoned or seized by the authority of the law, ought to obey immediately; he makes himself guilty by resistance.
11. Any act done against man outside of the cases and without the forms that the law determines is arbitrary and tyrannical; the one against whom it may be intended to be executed by violence has the right to repel it by force.
12. Those who may incite, expedite, subscribe to, execute or cause to be executed arbitrary legal instruments are guilty and ought to be punished.
13. Every man being presumed innocent until he has been pronounced guilty, if it is thought indispensable to arrest him, all severity that may not be necessary to secure his person ought to be strictly repressed by law.
14. No one ought to be tried and punished except after having been heard or legally summoned, and except in virtue of a law promulgated prior to the offense. The law which would punish offenses committed before it existed would be a tyranny: the retroactive effect given to the law would be a crime.
15. The law ought to impose only penalties that are strictly and obviously necessary: the punishments ought to be proportionate to the offense and useful to society.
16. The right of property is that which belongs to every citizen to enjoy, and to dispose at his pleasure of his goods, income, and of the fruits of his labor and his skill.
17. No kind of labor, tillage, or commerce can be forbidden to the skill of the citizens.
18. Every man can contract his services and his time, but he cannot sell himself nor be sold: his person is not an alienable property. The law knows of no such thing as the status of servant; there can exist only a contract for services and compensation between the man who works and the one who employs him.
19. No one can be deprived of the least portion of his property without his consent, unless a legally established public necessity requires it, and upon condition of a just and prior compensation.
20. No tax can be imposed except for the general advantage. All citizens have the right to participate in the establishment of taxes, to watch over the employment of them, and to cause an account of them to be rendered.
21. Public relief is a sacred debt. Society owes maintenance to unfortunate citizens, either procuring work for them or in providing the means of existence for those who are unable to labor.
22. Education is needed by all. Society ought to favor with all its power the advancement of the public reason and to put education at the door of every citizen.
23. The social guarantee consists in the action of all to secure to each the enjoyment and the maintenance of his rights: this guarantee rests upon the national sovereignty.
24. It cannot exist if the limits of public functions are not clearly determined by law and if the responsibility of all the functionaries is not secured.
25. The sovereignty resides in the people; it is one and indivisible, imprescriptible, and inalienable.
26. No portion of the people can exercise the power of the entire people, but each section of the sovereign, in assembly, ought to enjoy the right to express its will with entire freedom.
27. Let any person who may usurp the sovereignty be instantly put to death by free men.
28. A people has always the right to review, to reform, and to alter its constitution. One generation cannot subject to its law the future generations.
29. Each citizen has an equal right to participate in the formation of the law and in the selection of his mandatories or his agents.
30. Public functions are necessarily temporary; they cannot be considered as distinctions or rewards, but as duties.
31. The offenses of the representatives of the people and of its agents ought never to go unpunished. No one has the right to claim for himself more inviolability than other citizens.
32. The right to present petitions to the depositories of the public authority cannot in any case be forbidden, suspended, nor limited.
33. Resistance to oppression is the consequence of the other rights of man.
34. There is oppression against the social body when a single one of its members is oppressed: there is oppression against each member when the social body is oppressed.
35. When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is for the people and for each portion of the people the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties.
The original Bavarian Orden Iluminati inspired the French Revolution and declared human rights. See the symbol on the tablet above declaration of human rights. We will continue to inspire revolution and will bring about Communist Anarchy and true economic equality. For rights are merely and mockery and idealism without a materialist economic equality to make human rights real. That is why we are materialst over idealist. The idealism must grow from the materialism. Idealism over materialism never works just loo kat the capitalists system we live in now it only works for the super rich.
Philosophy Rojista is a reformulation of socialism that respects the legacy of utopian philosophers, but it is only fed by philosophers socialist revolutionary scientific socialist (communist) and socialist libertarian (anarchist).
Philosophy Rojista collects the best of these philosophers but rejects their mistakes, based on historical experience. Philosophy Rojista aspires to a socialist revolutionary action designed to match, to liberate and empower all human beings, peoples and mankind from oppression and slavery of capitalism.
The philosophy is a Philosophy Rojista useful for those who have initiated the Rojismo initiation and completion of work on the environment remain the reformulation of post-socialist, which makes Rojismo in a post-launch system, Idealism is one philosophy that is based on a set of ideas, while materialism is the philosophy which is based on the material or process materials.
Among the most important philosophers idealistic history are Plato, religions of the Middle Ages and other periods, Descartes, Berkeley, Kant and Hegel, German philosopher who created all the idealism and the ideas conceived as the only real and true. Materialist philosophers to emphasize the former atomists as Democritus, Diderot, Lamettrie, Holbach, Marx, Engels, Bakunin ...
Philosophy Rojista advocates the philosophy that there are two opposing philosophies and eternal: materialism and idealism. Philosophy Rojista , however, defends materialism as a determinant of human beings and their consciousness, which defends against the idealism that is the world of ideas which is crucial to human existence.
It is worth mentioning that, however, thought that the material and thought it an ideal material within Rojista philosophy.