I set my clock early, cuz im alwayz late profile picture

I set my clock early, cuz im alwayz late

though patience is bitter, its fruit is sweet

About Me

I'm a cool person, I like to play basketball, listen music, hang wit my friends, and mostly chill.I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Mostly my interests are music, basketball, my friends, them girls girls girls,

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet any cool people, mostly girls and some cool niggas, not on that gay shit though, but if u r cool and u think u can hang wit me come see me.%D%A%D%A
Name: Aaron
Birthdate: 11/01/89
Birthplace: DC
Current Location: Waldorf, MD
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Righty or Lefty: lefty
Innie or Outtie: innie
Your fears: homos
What shoes did you wear today: jordans
Your most Overused phrase on aol: lol
Your 1st thoughts waking up: i have to pee
Your best physical feature: my length
Your Bedtime: late
Your most missed memory: my old friends
Pepsi Or Coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Buger King: burger king
Single or group dates: both
Adidas or Nike: nike
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino
Do you smoke: no
curse: yes
Take a shower everyday: yes
Have a crush (es) yes
Have you ever been in love: no
want to go to college: yes
Like highschool: kinda
Want to get married: someday
Get motion sickness: no
Think you're a health freak: no
Get along with your parents: kinda
Like thunderstorms: yea
Play an intrument: no
In the past month have you gone to the mall: yes
Eaten sushi: yes
Been on stage: no
Been dumped: yes
Gone Skating: no
Made homemade cookies: what i look like betty crocker
Dyed your hair: no homo
Stolen Anything: no
Flashed anyone: yes
Have you ever been on a plane: too much
Missed school cause it was raining: no, i wish
Told a guy/gal that you liked them: no but i want to
Cried during a movie: no
Ever thought an animated character was hot: yea
Had an imaginary friend: no
Cut your hair: yes
Had a crush on a teacher: yes
Been caught "doing something": neva
Been called a tease: no
Gotten Beaten up: no
Been in a fight: no
Shoplifted: no
Age you hope to be married: 25
Number of children: 2 tops
Dream Wedding: cancun
How do you want to die: quick and painless
What do you want to be when you grow up: basketball player or geologist
What country would you like to visit: italy
# of drugs youve taken: 2
people you can trust: family and some friends
CDs you own: alot
piercings: none
scars: a few
things you regret: letting a certain girl go
Favorite Shampoo: none
Color: carolina blue
Day/Night: day
Summer/Winter: winter
Lace or Satin: satin
Cartoon Character: stewie
Movie: next friday
Sport: basket ball
Do you believe in yourself: yea
Your friends: los, stephon, stephen, and nate
Destiny/Fate: to be notarized
Angels: yes
Ghosts: ghosts no, spirits yes
God: yes
Which of your friends acts most like you: los
Are you close with any family member: my sisters
Whats the best feeling in the world: winning..................next to sex
Worst feeling: losing..............and blue balls
What are you wearing right now: a white tee, shorts, and a fitted
Drinking: nothing
Listening to: T.I.



I like rap,RnB,hip-hop, and a little gogo.


I like horror, comedy, and some action movies.


Chapelle Show, Family Guy, almost every show on BET, and some cartoons.


Micheal Jordan, Martin Luther King, Malcom X, Tupac and GOD... width=