.:Samantha:. profile picture


YouRe OnLy As StRoNg As ThE TaBLeS YoU DaNcE oN, ThE DriNkS You MiX, AnD tHe FriEnDs YoU RoLL WiTh!

About Me

-Wats Up?! -Tha names SAM!-I'm 18!-I got brown hair, brown eyes!-I'm 5 FOOT Nuthin!-110 Pounds!-Yea ima Lightweight!-I Graduated from RRCS in June!-Class of 06!!!-I Go to FaYeViLLe TecH!!-I have NO iDeA what i want to Be when I GrOw Up!-I ♥ the BEACH!-I'm addicted to DR.PEPPER!-AnD OrBiT BuBBlE GuM!-SoNiC is my Fav!-I have a ReaLLy ReaLly BaD SpeeDinG ProBLeM!-I ♥ CHILLIN with my GiRlS!-Oh By the WaY!-LauReN, AlySSa,LeiGh,AmAnDa, AsHleY & TaRa are my GIRLS!-AuStIN and AmAnDa RoCK my SoCKs!-Theyre the Bestest Friends Ever!-My other half is @ ECU!!!-PEADENS is my second home!-I'm always there!- It aint fun without my TiFF(my Partner in CriMe) ! -I ♥ Summer!-I wanna be a Scuba Diver one day!-I ♥ to swim!-I couldn't LiVe without my sister-BECKY!-I ♥ driving with LeIgH!-To the BEACH with the RaDiO BLASTIN!-Into The Blue is most def. the best movie ever!-My Favorite color is GREEN!-I'll be 19 July 29th!-Chicken Noodle Soup cures my HaNgOvErS!-Dale Earnharhdt Jr. is my baby Daddy!-I ♥ talking to dat crackhead button pusher TaRa on tha phone!-I ♥ that Peanut Butter & Jelly song!-R.I.P. Lakeisha!-You will FOREVER be missed!-I ♥ My WieNeR!-ToOtSiE the TOOTster!-PiNkY PrOmiSeS Mean alot to me...so KEEP them!-SnAkEs and RoAcHeS!ewww! GROSS!-I HATE when people lie so..be HoNesT!-And thats It AbOuT Me!-If YoU wanna know MORE just Ask!♥HoLLaRRR!♥

My Interests

ShOuT OuTs! TooTsiE the TOOTsteR!+BeCKy-my lil sis+ +LauReN-my Bestest+ +AlySsa-the Fam+ +LeIgH-my MeantToBe+ +MaRShaLL-My ArMy BuddY+ +Nikki Lee-I freaking LOVE you+ +AmAnDA-My Pop-a-SquaT BuDDy+ +Tiffany-My peadens Buddy-BFF+ +AuStiN-my Best guy Friend+ +TaRa-my crackhead button pusher+ +BuDD-my bro+ +MaMa Jackie+ +Robert+ +jOsH-my Homie G+ +JaMaL-my problem solver+ +CoNNaH-my GoaT friend+ +AndReW-myspace buddy+ +Erika+ We'Ve BeeN TheRe, RoCkEd ThAt, GoT CrUnK & AlL ThAt, DaNcEd SeXy WiThOuT A PoLe, YeAh HaTeRs, ThAtS HoW We RoLL!!!

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Layouts


Myspace Layouts


Name: SaMaNThA AmAnDa OsTLanD
Birthdate: July 29, 1988
Birthplace: Brunswick, MainE
Current Location: FaYeTTeViLLe, NC
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: BruNeTTe BaBBi
Height: 5 FOOT Nutthin
Weight: 110 lbs
Piercings: 4...muh ears...cartalidge...BeLLy BuTToN
Tatoos: none...yet
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nah
Overused Phraze: heck yes!
Food: ice cream
Candy: LoLLy PoPs
Number: 3 for threesome..jk
Color: Green
Animal: dog...TootSiE!
Drink: Dr. PeppeR
Alcohol Drink: BuD LighT
Bagel: plain
Letter: S for Sam
Body Part on Opposite sex: uhhh
This or That
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: StrawBeRRy
Hot tea or Ice tea: Peadens SweeT TeA!
Chocolate or Vanilla VanillA
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: neither...
Kiss or Hug: Both
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: RaP
Summer or Winter: Summer...I ? the SUN!!!
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Both
Love or Money: LoVe!
Bedtime: watsa bedtime
Most Missed Memory: The good ol days last summer
Best phyiscal feature: My @$$!
First Thought Waking Up: wat happened last nite?
Goal for this year: Go to College!
Best Friends: Too manytoo count Lauren+Leigh+Lyss+Amanda
Weakness: im Nieve
Fears: not goin to college
Heritage: Naive American+German
Longest relationship: a year and a half
HAVE YOU...&..39;
Ever Drank: of course
Ever Smoked: nah
Pot: haha
Ever been Drunk: ive been wasted!
Ever been beaten up: nah
Ever beaten someone up: Leigh...LoL
Ever Shoplifted: nope
Ever Skinny Dipped: heck yes
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: duh
Been Dumped Lately: lol yea...in a text message!
Favorite Eye Color: BROWN or BLUE
Favorite Hair Color: Brown
Short or Long: short
Height: taller than me
Style: Not Gothic
Looks or Personality: Personality! Make Me Laugh!
Hot or Cute CuTe!
Drugs and Alcohol: Alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: Muscular
Number of Regrets in the Past: not one
What country do you want to Visit: Brazil
How do you want to Die: uhh peacefully and when im old as ShiT
Been to the Mall Lately: yea the other day
Do you like Thunderstorms: not really i love the sun
Get along with your Parents: sometimes
Health Freak: nah
Do you think your Attractive: im straight
Believe in Yourself: of course
Want to go to College:&..39;
Do you Smoke: nah
Do you Drink: yea
Shower Daily: yep
Been in Love: yes
Do you Sing: in the car with the RaDiO BLASTIN!
Want to get Married: not yet but definatley one day!
Do you want Children: 2 of em not yet though
Have your future kids names planned out: nah
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: doesnt matter
Hate anyone: no


My GrAnDpA!!!