Steak, always being cold, Whole Foods, drowning out the ticking of my biological clock, being a sloth with Will, stand up comedy, monogamy, being Julia Stiles' doppleganger, ridiculously expensive jeans, Positive and Uplifting KLOVE, giving the stink eye, Nyquil induced comas, raping people's iTunes, INTELLIGENT talk radio (Gene Burns ftw), music music music, going against the grain, baseball, David Hasselhoff, I've also been known to cut some rug up every now and again
Someone who wants to be my travel companion. On the list: Costa Rica, South Africa, and Egypt.
People who don't call Target "Tar-jhay"
People who buy the sushi at 7-11 . . . who ARE you people??
People who bought their own silver spoon
People who don't watch The Hills
People who put substance before style.
Girls who don't call themselves "models" simply because they have some photos taken by an art school dropout and a profile on ModelMayhem.
Also, if you've ever done a kegstand, there's a 90 percent chance you're lame.
PEE WEES BIG ADVENTURE, The Sweetest Thing, Forrest Gump, Anchorman, Super Troopers, Meet the Parents, Dumb and Dumber, Happiness, Memento, The Grifters, Natural Born Killers
THE OFFICE, Arrested Development, Cheaters, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Forensic Files, The Wonder Years, Judge Judy, WHO MY BABY DADDY talk shows.
Beauty Fades, Dumb is Forever, The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama.
Suze Orman's books
Hemmingway, Steinbeck, and Chuck Palahniuk groupie.
The labels on Vitamin Water... I'll pretty much read anything.
Lorena Bobbitt
Alf, because he eats cats.
The inventor of Nutella
And my mom. Not just because she gave birth to me, any dummy with a vagina can squirt out a kid...but because she has overcome tremendous obstacles that many (myself included) would surely crumble under. She's a remarkable woman, and I admire her strength and resiliency through all the hardships life has thrown her way.