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Randy Barrera

About Me

Have you ever tried to imagine the world without music in it? Its almost impossible to do. Music touches everything we do, everything we think and everything we feel.
When I sing, Im not singing just for the sake of stringing notes together in order to present my audience with a pleasing melody. Im exposing everything about me. The music I choose to sing touches my own heart. It elevates me to heights and lowers me to depths that can be reached by no other medium but music. One single song can contain all of the elements we all strive to obtain and overcome as well as the things we'd like to remember or even forget. A single song can portray the deepest heartache while at the same time giving us the will to see it through to happier times. Music has the power to motivate, to depress, to uplift and to glorify.
This is how it started...
I was 10 years old and living in Montebello, CA when I first sang in front of an audience. I had recently seen a television program in which Luis Miguel sang in front of a packed house of awed spectators with a full orchestra accompanying him and imagined myself doing the same. My first solo went off spectacularly, at least in the mind of a 10 year old.
My freshman year in High School was a pivotal time in my singing career at the age of 13. I had made the All-State Choir and had been accepted and was ready to begin music classes at Montebello High School after auditioning the year prior to my freshmen year in 1995, by mere coinsidence, but unforeseen circumstances arose which made it very difficult to persue my dreams in music. However, after setting my voice aside for a few years, I dedicated my attention to learning piano. In 1999 while in high school, I took classes in creative writting and composition, which helped me develop my skills in song writting.
A desire to develop my talent in singing to a further degree, and at the advice of my mentors, I applied and was accepted at Patricia Sturla Studios 2001, one of the most prestigious music cordination agencies in the country. It was here that I began to hone my skills in the area of vocal performance with the help of some of the greatest vocal instructors I had ever known. After some time, I decided to leave the agency and become my own producer, manager, and representative. Thanks to Mentor Erik Arceneaux, my personal vocal coach (on my top freinds), I was able to improve the skills and techiniques on my voice.
After a pause in my career due to life difficulties, in 2002 I decided to build my own recording sutdio at home which led me to produce my own music and others. I've produced a total of 11 productions for various underground local musicians and bands.
I'm currently working on the production of my own album and 2 other side projects for 2 solo artist as a producer and the creation of the music. One of those solo singers happens to be an 11 years old talented lil girl. You gotta hear this lil girl sing!!
I thank all my friends and family that support me in my journey of life filled with music.
Randy Barrera

My Interests


Member Since: 02/04/2008
Band Website: www.geocities.com/randybmusic
Influences: My major influence has always been Luis Miguel. There has been other influences such as Cristian Castro, Chayenne, Alvaro Torres, Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, David Bisbal, Luis Fonsi, Justin Timberlake, Reik, Sin Bandera, NSYNC, Rick Ashley, Akon, Colby O'Donnis, Elvis Presley, Richie Valens, Neyo and many more I can't remember.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

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