Petee profile picture


Mr. Blue

About Me

Name: Petee
Birthday: once a year
Birthplace: Rhode Island
Current Location: Florida
Eye Color: bluegreen
Hair Color: blondebrown
Favorite Color: orange
Height: 5'8"
Right Or Left Handed: right
Heritage: French Canadian
Shoes I Wore Today: sneakers
Weakness: Ben & Jerry's strawberry cheesecake ice cream
Fears: mean people
Night Or Day: night
Hot Or Cold: cold
Indoors Or Outdoors: indoors
My Perfect Pizza: ham & pineapple, no sauce
My PopTart: frosted brown sugar cinnamon
Pepsi Or Coke: water
McDonalds Or Burger King: Arby's
Lipton Ice Tea Or Nestea: Bigelow Vanilla Caramel hot tea
Chocolate Or Vanilla: caramel
Cappuccino Or Latte: coffee
Goal For This Year: to buy something...GOAL ACHIEVED! YAY!
My First Thoughts When Waking Up: what time is it? what day is it? won't that thing ever go down?
My Best Feature: eyes
My Bedtime: anytime during the day
My Most Missed Memory: have they gone missing already? hadn't noticed
Do I Smoke: hell NO!
Do I Swear: hell YES, dammit!
Do I Sing: in the car by myself only
Do I Shower Daily: but of course
Have I Ever Been in Love: being in love requires MUTUAL feelings, so not yet
Do I Want To Go To College: I have two associates degrees: graphic design and business administration
Do I Want To Get Married: depends on who's asking
Do I Belive In Yourself: sometimes
Do I Get Motion Sickness: nope
Do I Think I Am Attractive: not Quasimodo, not Brad Pitt
What Country Would I Most Like To Visit: England!
Number Of CDs I Own: a few
Number Of Piercings: two - one in both ears
Number Of Tattoos: none, and I don't want any
Number Of Things In My Past I Regret: I plead the Fifth Amendment
You are Dr. Simon Tam
Dr. Simon Tam 85%
Malcolm Reynolds (captain) 60%
Zoe Washburne (second-in-command) 50%
Derrial Book (shepherd) 45%
Inara Serra (companion) 40%
Kaylee Frye (mechanic) 40%
River (stowaway) 30%
Alliance 20%
Wash (Ship Pilot) 15%
Jayne Cobb (mercenary) 15%
A Reaver (cannibal) 0% Medicine and physical healing are your game,
but wooing women isn't a strong suit.
Click here to take the Serenity Firefly Personality Test

My Interests

Collecting CDs and DVDs, meeting my favorite performers at DragonCon, MegaCon and Creation cons.

My SIMS 2 creations:

175,000 downloads and counting!

I also love...

I'd like to meet:


Justin Hartley ('Smallville')

Sam Witwer ('Smallville')

Henry Cavill ('The Tudors')

Brandon Routh
('Superman Returns')

Ioan Gruffudd ('Fantastic 4')

Jesse Metcalfe ('Desperate Housewives')

Jason Behr ('Roswell')

Hugh Jackman ('X-Men')

Jake Gyllenhaal ('Brokeback Mountain')

Dean Cain
('Lois & Clark')

Matt Dallas ('Kyle XY')

Wentworth Miller
('Prison Break')

Chad Faust ('The 4400')

Benjamin McKenzie ('The O.C.')

Ty Pennington ('Extreme Makeover')

Dane Cook (comedian)

Nick Beyeler (gymnastics aerobics world champion)

Vin Diesel ('The Chronicles Of Riddick')

John Cena (WWE champion)

Derek Russo (fitness model)





anything and everything on the R.M.S. TITANIC








Green Arrow


Nickelodeon's Pickboy!