I am a Professional Dominatrix. I also visit Hollywood often. I greatly enjoy the cerebral aspects of BDSM, and love to introduce new people to forbidden pleasures of the Flesh. I am very well trained and have been known to be wicked with a whip. However, I can also be very patient and take things slowly for those who are curious about the lifestyle. I do have a group that has articles I've written for those that would like to know more about it. It's more of a fan club, with over 200 members, but there is a lot of information there on many different aspects of BDSM. I've written many articles, and try to make it as easy as possible for those that want to know more. My big passion is the Rave scene. I try to go every Sat. and I'm a huge candy kid! I love to do poi,(dance with lights) light shows, and just hang out with My fellow ravers. PLUR Techno music gives Me the energy that keeps Me young. Thank God, or I'd never be able to dance all night with all those 17 yr. olds. Music is My life, I couldn't live without it. Trance is My favorite, but I like all Techno. Drum & Base is cool too, I'm just getting too old to do that spinning on My head thing. LOL No really!!
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