C.R.E.A.M - RECORDS profile picture


About Me

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Ihr wollt den Master Label Sound ?
Mastering pro Track im MasterlabelSound : 50€
Für optimale Mastering Resultate benötigen wir mindestens 2-3dB Headroom!
Schicke uns deinen fertigen Track mit einer Auflösung von 24 Bit bei 96kHz.
Preis Pro Album (bis 76min.) 500€
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Mehr Infos gibts als Download unter:
Ladet Euch den brandneuen SCREENSAVER herunter.Download Now!
Künstler, Producer und Talente mit denen wir zusammen arbeiten und denen wir Beats zur Verfügung stellen:

"Augenblicke" der Sampler Release 15.5.09
DeepSoul feat. Kyra - Mehr als Musik
DJ Q - RMX / Sido-Ein Teil von mir
Riffler - Wofür es sich zu leben lohnt
Jetzt auch auf: http://www. germanrapvidz. com
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C.R.E.A.M - RECORDS - Website
C.R.E.A.M - RECORDS - Website
C.R.E.A.M - RECORDS - Website
Ladet Euch den brandneuen SCREENSAVER herunter.Download Now!
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ZUM FAN FORUM ---> http://groups.myspace.com/creamrecordsbeats
* Wie kann ich mich bei Cream-Records bewerben?
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Im Grunde ist das recht einfach. Es gibt 2 Möglichkeiten ein Demo einzureichen. Postalisch oder per Email. Sendet eure Email-Demos bitte unbedingt als Downloadstream, da aufgrund einer begrenzten Speichergröße sonst das Email-Postfach zeitweise überfüllt und geschlossen sein kann.
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[email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 4/2/2008
Band Website: http://www.cream-records.com
Band Members: Connex Music

Influences: Das Leben
Sounds Like: Findets heraus !

And now, here are some Informations about the Label C.R.E.A.M-RECORDS and the Biografie of the Label founder.


At the age of 8, Manuel Abrahamczik, aka “BK“, discovered Music.

After being persuaded by his best friend to play music with him, BK discovered very quickly how much fun and joy music brought to him. He learned to play the Guitar first, although, from the very beginning, his desire was to learn to play another instrument:


He played the drums with such enthusiasm that his teacher, who at the time was an active member of the Berlin Symphonic Orchestra, recognizing his musical talents awarded him a special scholarship.

Although he studied another vocation, music has remained the “food of his soul.”

Ten years later, he attended a Technical College to learn Audio Engineering. There he learned the intricacies of sound mixing equipment for professional musicians. He built his own audio engineering studio and today produces high quality Beats and Instrumentals for R&B and Rap artists.

After a brief period, he created his own label “C.R.E.A.M. – RECORDS“, a current label in Germany. In the beginning, as a lone entrepreneur, he fought through the trenches to learn the minute details and sequences needed to correctly produce Hip-Hop, R&B, and Rap music for the talents he picked up. Today he works with a team of 7 enthusiastic artists and producers to convert his ideas and conceptions into music.

The Internet has exponentially expanded ways for his talents to become known and the demand for Beats from C.R.E.A.M. – RECORDS is ever increasing. It may have been a struggle, but BK and his team are still standing and fighting for their place in the future of music.

You will be surprised!

Record Label: C.R.E.A.M - RECORDS
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Suchen Grafiker, Videomaker, PR-Leute, Producer und auch andere die am Label CR feilen wollen.

Yo Leute!Für einen grossen Start in die Zukunft suchen wir folgende Kollegen, die es in den verschiedensten Bereichen drauf haben:WebdesignerVideomakerGrafiker und DruckerPRManagementProduceretc.Ihr s...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 06:30:00 GMT