[email protected]Crystalcore is first of all, neither a trade nor (even worst) a trend. It is concerned with taking into consideration both DIY and ‘We do what like and we like what we do’ concepts. Its basis derived from nothing else than our essence. Our core style is entirely embraced by a wide variety of instinctual emotions, billowed out of our prefrontal cortex. Art of music is the only thing that enables its use in an endless approach.
Crystalcore is neither here to make a distinction nor to run away from any style since we are not implying to give rise to a certain means of playing Music. Nonetheless, we aspire to draw attention to a means of considerate Art. Crystalcore breaks out through uncontaminated beat, genuine ska tones and straightforward acoustic radiance out coming from insistent hardcore voices shaped by the daily nightmare of human kind.
We are not dissuading any soul from being who they are. We all know people grasp and recognise in which theatrical and critical extend is the world today; however they are swayed by the straight and heavy society standards, weighing on them and making them meaninglessly lazy. Whether you like it or not, we are all, whatever social status, injured by the global system. Don’t forget this clock is ticking lives away whilst a countless thousand millions of people are dealing with not overflowing crisps over their mouth. You will be the future of human kind. Crystalcore pools minds resources to raise fists against atrocity. Again, Crystalcore is neither a look nor any tendency. It is you-man.
Our underground city is not known for its goodwill and friendliness, yet here comes BBC. Our open family, bringing to light a way of listening to music and not just playing it!
Our concern is how hard your heart is beating, we want you to feel like you can breathe on this earth! Whether you like our ideas? Or not? We don't give a fuck!!!!! Neither do we point the finger at any mother fucker or their way of human type thinking.We only aim to make you concious!!- Are human rights being violated?
- Is the human mind still free?=> Its down to you to involve yourself with the concept of being both FREE and ALERT.
Beng Beng Cocktail
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